This repo provides an implementation of a differentiable, convex and quasi-static dynamics model which is effective for contact-rich manipulation planning. The dynamics formulation is described in
- Section 3 of Global Planning for Contact-Rich Manipulation via Local Smoothing of Quasi-dynamic Contact Models, currently under review.
- A Convex Quasistatic Time-stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction, ICRA2021.
Additional interactive animations generated using the code in this repo can be found in this slide deck.
- Drake built with Gurobi and Mosek. Free solvers (OSQP + SCS) also work, but SCS is a lot slower than Mosek for solving SOCPs.
Note that until this issue is resolved, this repo can only be built in debug mode if the official version of Drake is used, which is a lot slower than release mode. A workaround is described in the issue, but requires a custom branch of drake.
Remember to check out submodules before building the docker images.
git submodule update --init --recursive
In the root of this repo, to build, run
docker build -t qsim -f focal.dockerfile .
To run the github "build and test" action locally, run
docker run -v $PWD:"/github/workspace" --entrypoint "/github/workspace/scripts/" qsim
In the root of the repo, run
pytest .
Multi-threaded testing with pytest-xdist
pytest . -n auto