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Stinko edited this page Mar 3, 2025 · 11 revisions

Welcom to the JS Engine wiki!


Q: What are all the basic shaders that come with this engine?

addGlitchEffect - Mostly used for Wavy Backgrounds. Value 1 tells the game what object to add it to. value 2 is waveSpeed, value 3 is waveFrequency, and value 4 is waveAmp

addGlitchShader - Ditto, but the waveSpeed and waveAmp values are swapped to add cross-compatibility with Denpa mods

addBloomEffect - Adds a bloom effect onto any object. Value 2 is the amount of bloom that the object should have.

addInvertEffect - Inverts the colors of any object you add it to.

addGrayscaleEffect - Adds a grayscale filter to any object.

addGreyscaleEffect - Ditto, but incase anyone spells it as "Grey" instead

addWiggleEffect - An effect that was first seen in Thorns. It just makes the object sprite scroll.

add3DEffect - cool 3d effect that can be added onto an object

addChromaticAberrationEffect - Adds a chromatic aberration effect to any object. Value 2 tells the offset i think.

addScanlineEffect - Adds a scanline effect onto an object. Mostly used with addVCREffect to really get that old TV feel.

addGrainEffect - Adds some noise to any object(?). Value 2 tells how big the grains should be, value 3 is unknown, and value 4 is lockAlpha.

addVCREffect - A cool looking TV effect. Value 2 is the glitch factor, Value 3 tells if there should be a distortion to the object, value 4 is perspectiveOn, and value 5 is vignetteMoving. I don't quite know what these values do, like addGrainEffect. This effect is HIGHLY recommended to use on a camera.

addPulseEffect - Don't know what it does, but it has the glitchEffect variables.

addDistortionEffect - Same thing as addPulseEffect, no idea what it does

addBlockedGlitchEffect - That funny glitch effect seen in Shredder/Blocked (Dave & Bambi 3.0). val2 is the glitch resolution, val3 determines time but is mostly useless, val4 is the multiplier of the glitches, and val5 determines whether or not the glitches should transform the color of the object. This doesn't work well on low-end devices.

clearEffects: Removes all shaders from a specified object, if it has any.

Value 1 is the same across all of these lua callbacks: They tell the game what object to add it to. You can even add these to different cameras, like the HUD!



Q: When I turn on Rendering Mode, the music isn't playing!

A: This is intentional. When using Rendering Mode, you have to use a video editor to edit the music in.

Q: "How can I add Custom Achievements/Awards?"

A: Copy this text and paste it in YourModFolder/data/achievements.json You can drop your achievement images in YourModFolder/images/achievements/, be sure to read the readme file inside it if you extracted the Mod Template zip.


The Custom LUA Achievement System is implemented in 1.33.0 and up.