A discord bot that moves people around in voice chats, good for mass moving people to the correct places.
- Warcraft Logs
The discord bot has api integration with Warcraft logs. I intend to use it as a tool to highlight and identify valuable insight to improve our raid roster in world of warcraft.
- Minecraft We have a guild server for a very popular blocky game, where I am also hosting a custom made rest-api that serves various statistic from the game.
All cogs have an adapter to comunicate through the API with and gets dependecy injected into the bot to seemlessly enable cogs / features.
mc_api = Minecraftapi_adapter(MINECRAFT_API_PATH)
wcl_adapter = WCL_adapter(WCL_CLIENT_ID, WCL_CLIENT_SECRET)
async def on_ready():
await client.add_cog(Minecraft(client, mc_api))
await client.add_cog(WCL(client, wcl_adapter, GUILD_ID))
All the configurations are served from the settings.py file and / or secret.py file.
current folder structure:
| cogs
| - cog1
| - cog2
| adapters
| - adapter1
| - adapter2