Development repository of the JoomGallery component for Joomla! 4.
Project-Management: (ToDo List)
Project Presentation:
JoomGallery is an OpenSource project and is developed by users for users. So if you are using JoomGallery feel free to contribute to the project...
- Astrids Blog on Joomla 4 Extension development
- Nicholas bokk on Joomla 4 development
- Robbies video series on Joomla 4 component development
- Official Joomla 4 component development docs
- Mattermost channel for Joomla developers
Webserver recommendation:
- (Windows only)
- (Windows, Linux and macOS)
IDE/Editor recommendation:
- (Windows, Linux and macOS)
- (Windows, Linux and macOS)
Git-Client recommendation:
- (Windows and macOS)
Recommendet approach for proper versioning with Git:
- Checkout the repo into a folder of your choice
- Download the source code of the dev-branch as zip file and install it on Joomla
- Remove the installed component folders within your Joomla installation
- administrator/components/com_joomgallery
- components/com_joomgallery
- media/com_joomgallery
- plugins/finder/joomgallerycategories
- plugins/finder/joomgalleryimages
- plugins/privacy/joomgalleryimages
- plugins/webservices/joomgallery
- Create symbolic links from those folders to the corresponding folders within the checked out copy of your component
- Remove the installed component language files within your Joomla installation
- administrator/language/en-GB/com_joomgallery.ini
- administrator/language/en-GB/com_joomgallery.exif.ini
- administrator/language/en-GB/com_joomgallery.iptc.ini
- administrator/language/en-GB/com_joomgallery.sys.ini
- language/en-GB/com_joomgallery.ini
- Create symbolic links from those files to the corresponding files within the checked out copy of your component
- The referenced copy of your component can be properly versioned using Git
Symbolic link generator tool for windows:
Tasks area | Description |
PHP Developer (Backend) | Programming the backend functionalities of the JoomGallery (Framework, MVC pattern, Services, Helpers, ...) |
PHP Developer (Frontend) | Programming the frontend functionalities of the JoomGallery (MVC pattern, Router, View-Objects ...) |
Frontend Designer | Creating the template files for the component views in the frontend (Template: Cassiopeia) |
Language Manager | Setting up, structuring and managing the language files for frontend and backend. |
Documentation | Writing instructions for the support section of the website. |
Testing | Testing the new code before merging them into the main project. |
- Open the Pull request you want to test
- Change to the branch where the code of the PR is coming from
- Button "Code"->"Download ZIP"
- Install the zip file in your Joomla
- Perform tests where the Pull request changes anything
- If you find a bug or unexpected behaviour, post a comment in the pull request with the following content:
List the steps to perform in order to reproduce the issue you found
What yould you have expected to happen?
What did really happen?
- PHP-Version
- Database type and version
- (ImageMagick version)
Anything else that you think is important for the developer to fix the issue