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CitcomS is a finite element code designed to solve compressible thermochemical convection problems relevant to Earth's mantle.

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CitcomS with Data Assimilation

This repository only contains the C code that implements data assimilation in CitcomS using pregenerated input files. There are other python scripts that generate the input data and these are stored in a different svn repository hosted at Caltech.


Bower, D.J., M. Gurnis, and N. Flament (2015), Assimilating lithosphere and slab history in 4-D Earth models, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 238, 8-22, doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2014.10.013.

Open access version:

Obtaining the code

Please follow the standard development practice of forking this repository and then cloning your fork. See, for example:


Directory structure

  • src/ is the CitcomS source code with data assimilation
  • docs/ contains a rudimentary (and somewhat outdated) user guide
  • deprecated/ contains previous versions of the code that should not be used anymore (but kept for reference)
  • jobsubmit/ contains example job submission scripts for cluster environments

Quick start for a cluster

The following instructions clone this repository, although in practice you'll probably prefer to clone your own fork of this repository. The instructions also assume you can load an MPI distribution using modules, which is standard on most clusters. For reasons relating to compilers, the cluster and node setup, some MPI versions may be preferred for your particular cluster. You should ask your HPC system administrators. Note that module load hdf5 is only reqired for HDF5 support. For example, for NCI Australia (Gadi):

git clone citcoms_assim
cd citcoms_assim/src
make distclean
autoreconf -ivf
module load openmpi
module load hdf5/1.10.7p # check the available hdf5 (p) parallel library
export LD=ld

At the University of Bern you can use the following MPI distribution:

module load iomkl/2018b

To run jobs, you will need to setup a job submission script and examples are provided in jobsubmit/.

Quick start for Mac OSX

The following instructions assume you have MacPorts ( installed, but you can also use a different package manager (e.g. Homebrew) or install the prerequisite software from source.

1. Install build tools:

These commands are for MacPorts:

sudo port install automake autoconf libtool

2. Install an MPI distribution

2a. MPI option 1: Install Open MPI

sudo port install openmpi
sudo port select --set mpi openmpi-mp-fortran

2b. MPI option 2: Install MPICH

sudo port install mpich
sudo port select --set mpi mpich-mp-fortran

3. Obtain code and build

git clone citcoms_assim
cd citcoms_assim
make distclean
autoreconf -ivf

3. Run

An example command to run a uniprocessor job is:

mpirun -np 1 CitcomSRegional input.sample

Developer notes

  1. I found that a popular debugger (LLDB) seems to prefer Open MPI, whereas a memory management tool (valgrind) prefers MPICH. Therefore I installed both MPI distributions and switch between them using

     sudo port select --set mpi
  2. The Valgrind development cycle is always lagging behind Mac, so Valgrind will probably not work on your latest Mac. However, you can try downloading a version from the website or trying the development version:

     sudo port install valgrind-devel
  3. LLDB (debugger) comes with Xcode and is therefore already available on your Mac.

  4. I did not have success compiling with HDF5 support, which may be related to the fact that HDF5 is configured in an unsupported 'Experimental' mode when installed as a variant using MacPorts:

     sudo port install openmpi
     sudo port install hdf5 +openmpi
     sudo port select --set mpi openmpi-mp-fortran

    This returns the message:

     hdf5 will been configured in an unsupported "Experimental" mode due to selected variants. See "port variants hdf5 | grep EXPERIMENTAL" for more information.

    And during the configuration of CitcomS:

     configure: WARNING: header 'hdf5.h' not found; disabling HDF5 support

    I did not investigate futher.

Examples and User Guide

Example input and output configuration files are provided inexamples (there is also a src/examples directory, but these are the original examples provided by CitcomS without the addition of data assimilation examples). A simple global model to first run is examples/Full.

A user guide is available at docs/user_guide, although some of this content relates to the original pyre version of the code that has been superceded by this version. Hence some of the parameter names have changed. Please refer to the code itself and/or this to confirm the parameter names. An ongoing project is to update this user guide.

Code Modifications and Parameter Names

The user guide contains information about the input parameters, both for the C code and also the pre- and post-processing python scripts. Some options in the user guide might be outdated, so prioritise the options in this README.

Slab and lithosphere assimilation

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB SLAB'

  1. lith_age_depth_function (bool)
  2. lith_age_exponent (double)
  3. lith_age_min (double)
  4. lith_age_stencil_value (double)
  5. slab_assim (bool)
  6. slab_assim_file (char)
  7. sten_temp as an output option (char)
  8. internal_vbcs_file (bool)
  9. velocity_internal_file (char)
  10. sten_velo as an output option (char)


These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB COMP'

  1. hybrid_method (bool)
  2. increased memory for tracer arrays (icushion parameter)
  3. turn off tracer warnings using itracer_warnings=off in input cfg file

Viscosity structures

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB VISC'

  1. case 20, used in Flament et al. (2013, 2014)
  2. case 21, used in Flament et al. (2014), model TC8
  3. case 22, used in Flament et al. (2014), model TC7
  4. case 23, used in Flament et al. (2014), model TC9
  5. case 24, used in Zhang et al. (2010) and Bower et al. (2013)
  6. case 25, used by Flament for Extendend-Boussinesq (EBA) models
  7. case 26, used by Flament for EBA models
  8. case 27, used by Flament for EBA models
  9. case 28, used by Flament for EBA models
  10. case 112, used by Hassan
  11. case 113, used by Hassan
  12. case 117, used by Hassan
  13. case 118, used by Hassan

Time output

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB TIME'

  1. output data in regular increments of age (Myr) as well as/rather than number of time steps
    • storage_spacing_Myr (int)
    • if you only want to output data by age (Ma), you should set storage_spacing to a large integer value in order to suppress the regular time outputs
    • both storage_spacing_Myr and storage_spacing can be used together, in which case data is output whenever either one of these output criterion is satisfied
  2. exit time loop when the model reaches negative ages (currently hard-coded to be <0 Ma)
    • exit_at_present (bool)

Extended-Boussinesq modifications

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB EBA'

  1. depth-dependent scaling for the dissipation number (Di)
    • Di is typically defined at the surface, using surface values of alpha, cp, and g
    • a depth-dependent scaling (typically between 0 and 1) is introduced to additionally scale Di
    • this scales Di in the energy equation, i.e. the adiabatic, viscous, and latent heating terms
    • useful to avoid intense shear heating near the surface and hence avoid artefacts when using data assimilation
  2. Therefore, an extra column is added to the refstate_file:
    • [column 1] rho
    • [column 2] gravity
    • [column 3] thermal expansion coefficient (alpha)
    • [column 4] heat capacity
    • [column 5] dissipation number scaling

Output fields

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB OUT'

  1. Composition and temperature spherical harmonics as an output option (char). See issue, since output for comp only occurs for the last comp field.
    • comp_sph
    • temp_sph
  2. Temperature and internal velocity stencil for slab assimilation
    • sten_temp
    • sten_velo
  3. Tracer density at the nodes (originally written by Ting Yang)
    • tracer_dens
  4. Divergence (div/v) at the nodes. Useful for debugging convergence issues.
    • divv
  5. Fixed pid file output for lith_age_min, z_interface, and output_optional
  6. Fixed various valgrind uninitialised variable warnings relating to the writing of the pid file


These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB TOPO' or "RC"

  1. -e provides an example of config.cfg file for the This includes the updated remove_buoyancy_above_znode (int) parameter to remove buoyancy above a given znode for computing dynamic topography.
  2. requires config.cfg and output PID.cfg to be set consistently and made available
  3. Fixed pid overwritten topograpphy entries during restart
  4. Fixed time-stepping loop
  5. The restart outputs can be post-process by taping grid_maker.cfg

Ultra-low velocity zone

These parts of the code are commented with 'DJB ULVZ'. These amendments will not affect data assimilation, but are included for completeness.

  1. Modifications to enable ULVZ modelling as in Bower et al. (2011).
    • domain volumes for absolute tracer method for different initial ULVZ volumes
    • permeable domain for regional models
    • sine perturbation for initial temperature

Affiliated codes

A plume detection code from Rakib Hassan's thesis work is available at


  1. I receive 'Warning: Solver not converging!' when I run a model This is because the Stokes solver is struggling to compute a velocity and pressure solution that is compatible with your chosen tolerances. There are several approaches to debugging and rectifying your problem:

    • Most users set tolerances within the range of 1.0E-4 and 5.0E-2 and additionally set check_continuity_convergence=off (satisfying the tolerance on continuity is typically the most challenging, and many users choose to monitor this residual manually by checking the log and stdout).
    • Reduce the total viscosity contrast in your model and limit the irregularities in viscosity structure.
    • Turn off prescribed velocity boundary conditions and see if you still receive a warning. Generally, prescribing velocity boundary conditions presents challenges to any Stokes solver ( Ultimately, systematically disentangling the different components of your model is the best way to identify the potential cause of the problem.
    • If you are using GPlates to export your surface velocities, increase the velocity smoothing (in GPlates) to ensure there are no abrupt jumps in surface velocity across plate boundaries.
    • The augmented Lagrangian number is by default set to 2E3, but increasing this value by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude may help with the convergence of models with large viscosity contrast .
    • Finally, you could look to tweak some of the other solver parameters, notably relating to the multigrid solver. But this obviously requires some knowledge of multigrid solvers and how to optimise solvers.
    • Clearly, if you find optimal solver parameters for data assimilation models, please let me know so I can update this FAQ!
  2. Why isn't the data assimilation method included in the master version of CitcomS hosted by CIG ( To implement data assimilation required changing some functions related to boundary conditions, such that (probably) some of the original functionality is broken (at least for regional models). Whilst I tried to maintain backwards compatability as much as possible, without a comprehensive series of tests I cannot guarantee that some original functionality has not been disabled. Furthermore, data assimilation requires pre-processing (python) scripts to generate input data, which are not required for standard CitcomS runs. Therefore, it was decided to host both the C code and python scripts together in this repository.

  3. How do I start a model? To start a model you will typically read in an initial temperature field from a velo file, and therefore you set tic_method=-1 where the suffix of the velo file is specified by solution_cycles_init. You then set the start_age in Ma and it is also good practice to set zero_elapsed_time=1. The zero_elapsed_time=1 option ensures that the model age begins at start_age. If you generate the initial temperature field using the assimilation preprocessing scripts, then the elapsed time is already set to zero in the velocity file header, and therefore zero_elapsed_time=1 is technically not necessary since the header is parsed by CitcomS when tic_method=-1

  4. How do I restart a model? To restart a model you have two options:

    1. tic_method=-1 to specify a velo file, similar to starting a model. However, now you should set zero_elapsed_time=0 since you want to keep the elapsed time information from the header of the input velo file to enable continuation of elapsed time.
    2. restart=1 to resume from a checkpoint. In this case, all of the time data is read from the checkpoint and zero_elapsed_time (and reset_startage) are both not used. Note that restart=1 takes precedence over tic_method=-1.


CitcomS is a finite element code designed to solve compressible thermochemical convection problems relevant to Earth's mantle.






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