This JavaScript web app retrieves all characters from the Rick and Morty API, and calculates a mortality rate for each version of 'Rick' and 'Morty'.
- Migrate API requests to backend, store data in a server-side mongoDB
- Format occurrence list to highlight the status (alive/dead/unknown) of each occurrence
- Make the Nav section clicks show the mortality rate based on seasons
- Add last known location to occurrence list
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes.
Mortality requires node.js, npm and webpack to run.
Running Mortality requires only a few simple steps: Installing dependencies should be handeled by npm. In the root folder run:
npm install
Run webpack
npm run build
Open index.html to view the statistics
- node.js - Dependency Management
- webpack - Bundling
- express - Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
Rick and Morty API:
Background image:
Rick and Morty is created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon for Adult Swim. The data and images are used without claim of ownership and belong to their respective owners.