Hello World is a web-based quiz game that presents geography questions, designed to help people learn the capitals of the world. It was created as part of CodeClan project week by the group "Hello World" of cohort E27.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
All dependencies can be installed and set up using npm for node.js. This project uses webpack, express, and mongodb.
To install the dependencies on your machine, from the root folder of the project run:
npm install
Prepare the local mongoDB database:
mongo < server/db/seeds.js
Run webpack to dynamically produce the bundle.js file:
npm run build
In a second terminal session, run the express webserver:
npm run server:dev
To play the game, point your webbrowser towards:
- Katharina Simon - katharina01099
- Jonathan Lavi - JonLavi
- Raul Cubiano - RickS80
- Rick Symington - rauliathos
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Our instructors at CodeClan for guidance and advice