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Table of Contents

Supported Platforms

Target Audience

  • Those with a certain understanding of Clash configurations.
  • Fans of TUI software.

Install Mihomo Service (Enable Tun Mode)

For example: ArchLinux.

# ## Install mihomo
paru -S mihomo

# ## Add mihomo hook
# cat /etc/pacman.d/hooks/mihomo.hook (If there is no system similar to hook, use ClashSrvCtl Tab's SetPermission or use mihomo@root service)
Operation = Install
Operation = Upgrade
Type = Path
Target = usr/bin/mihomo

When = PostTransaction
Exec = /usr/bin/setcap 'cap_net_admin,cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/bin/mihomo

# ## Edit mihomo service unit
# systemctl edit mihomo
# Remove original ExecStart
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mihomo -d /srv/mihomo -f /srv/mihomo/config.yaml

# ## Create /srv/mihomo
mkdir /srv/mihomo
cd /srv/mihomo
chown -R mihomo:mihomo /srv/mihomo
usermod -a -G mihomo <user>
groups <user>       # Check if already added to mihomo group

# Optional. After version 0.2.0, clashtui will automatically fix file permissions.
chmod g+w /srv/mihomo               # clashtui needs permission to create files.
chmod g+s /srv/mihomo               # Make the group of files created by clashtui mihomo. This is to give clashtui group read and write permissions to files in this directory.
chmod g+w /srv/mihomo/config.yaml   # clashtui needs write permission.

# ## Set mihomo service unit
systemctl enable mihomo  # Start on boot
systemctl restart mihomo  # Start service

It is recommended to test the mihomo service with a valid configuration to ensure its success. Check if meta-rules-dat file is missing.

mihomo.service of mihomo package:

Description=Mihomo daemon NetworkManager.service systemd-networkd.service iwd.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/mihomo -d /etc/mihomo


Install ClashTui

For example: ArchLinux

# ## Install clashtui
# There is a latest [PKGBUILD](./PkgManagers/PKGBUILD).
paru -S clashtui.      # For other Linux distributions, manually download and place clashtui in PATH.

# ## Configure clashtui
clashtui                # Running this will generate some default files in ~/.config/clashtui.

# nvim ~/.config/clashtui/config.yaml
# The following parameters correspond to the command <clash_core_path> -d <clash_cfg_dir> -f <clash_cfg_path>
  clash_config_dir: '/srv/mihomo'
  clash_bin_path: '/usr/bin/mihomo'
  clash_config_path: '/srv/mihomo/config.yaml'
  timeout: null                     # the timeout duration for downloading via clash_ua. `null` means no timeout. The unit is `seconds`.
  clash_srv_name: 'mihomo'          # systemctl {restart | stop} <clash_srv_name>
  is_user: false                    # true: systemctl --user ...
  edit_cmd: ''
  open_dir_cmd: ''

clash_core_path: "/usr/bin/mihomo"
clash_cfg_dir: "/srv/mihomo"
clash_cfg_path: "/srv/mihomo/config.yaml"
clash_srv_name: "mihomo"       # systemctl {restart | stop} <clash_srv_name>
clash_srv_is_user: false        # true: systemctl --user ...
timeout: 0                      

The subsequent versions of clashtui have not been uploaded to because clashtui is now separated into multiple modules. If uploaded to, it would require uploading each dependent module, and some modules do not need to be uploaded to See ref. So, do not use cargo install clashtui for installation.

Configure basic_clash_config.yaml

Configure ~/.config/clashtui/basic_clash_config.yaml manually. Some basic fields in this file will be merged into clash_cfg_path. Refer to here for configuring tun mode.

Portable Mode

Create a folder named data in the directory where clashtui program resides. Then the data will be placed in data instead of ~/.config/clashtui.

Usage Instructions

Press ? to display help.

Importing Links

  • Import profile: In the Profile area, press i to input Name (preferably without suffix) and Uri (url or file path).
  • Update profile: Press a to update all resources dependent on the Profile. By default, it uses its own proxy for updates. If tun mode or system proxy is enabled and there are no available nodes, stop the mihomo service first (ClashSrvCtl Tab's StopClashService), then update.
  • Select profile: Press Enter to select the Profile.
  • Open mihomo ui: Enter in the browser. Provided your mihomo configuration has already set up ui related fields, reference.

If it is the first time installing clashtui:

  • If you have changed the basic_clash_config or other configurations, restart clashtui to reparse the changes in basic_clash_config, etc.
  • Import a profile that does not require updating with a proxy.
  • Press a to update all resources dependent on the profile.
  • Press Enter to select this profile, merging the fields of basic_clash_config into clash_cfg_path.
  • Restart the mihomo service (StartClashService in ClashSrvCtl Tab).

Scheduled Updates with cronie

clashtui -u         # Updates all profiles in command-line mode. If the profile has proxy-providers, they will also be updated.

Thus, you can use cronie to schedule updates:

# crontab -e
0 10,14,16,22 * * * /usr/bin/env clashtui -u >> ~/cron.out 2>&1

For cronie usage, see ref.

Using Configuration Templates

  • Press t to switch to Templates area.

  • Select template_proxy_providers, press e to edit, and enter subscription links.

    For example:

    # Supports comments
  • Press Enter to generate configuration to Profile. Press p to switch back to Profile, then Enter to select the configuration.

The latest templates can be found here.

Advanced Usage

Configuring Open File and Open Directory Commands

Configure in ~/.config/clashtui/config.yaml. %s will be automatically replaced with the path of the selected file.

For example:

edit_cmd: "alacritty -e nvim %s"
opendir_cmd: "alacritty -e ranger %s"

Customizing Configuration Templates

The template feature is unique to clashtui. Refer to provided example templates for specific usage rules.

Define reusable fields:

  - delay_test: &pa_dt {url:, interval: 300}
  - proxy_provider: &pa_pp {interval: 3600, intehealth-check: {enable: true, url:, interval: 300}}

Generate a proxy-provider for each link in template_proxy_providers:

    type: http    # type field must be placed here, not within pa_pp. This is because clashtui detects if it is a network resource based on this field.
    <<: *pa_pp

Generate a Select, Auto proxy-group for each proxy-providers:

  - name: "Select"
      providers: ["provider"]
    type: select

  - name: "Auto"
      providers: ["provider"]
    type: url-test
    <<: *pa_dt

Use Select, Auto proxy-groups:

  - name: "Entry"
    type: select
      - <Auto>
      - <Select>

ClashTui File Structure

  • basic_clash_config.yaml: Basic fields of mihomo configuration, which will be merged into clash_cfg_path.
  • config.yaml: Configuration of clashtui.

See more


Trying new things

Project Disclaimer

This project is for learning and reference purposes only. The author does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or applicability of the code in the project. Users should use the code in this project at their own risk.

The author is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses caused by the use of the code in this project, including but not limited to data loss, computer damage, and business interruption.

Before using the code in this project, users should fully understand its functionality and potential risks, and seek professional advice if necessary. The author is not liable for any consequences resulting from the use of the code in this project.

When using the code in this project, please comply with relevant laws and regulations, and refrain from using it for illegal activities or activities that infringe upon the rights of others.

The author reserves the right of final interpretation of this disclaimer, and may modify and update it at any time.