This is used to synchronize configuration files between my machines.
It's also expanded in scope to store a "few" really handy scripts/commands.
Some of these could probably be turned into m_I_n_I_m_A_l___S_o_F_t_W_a_R_e
Symbolically link to the things you (I) want like ln -s ~/dotfiles/.bashrc ~/.bashrc
Don't forget to push and pull things appropriately, so you're (I'm) not caught without biz.
The Git repo is normally in ~/src/dotfiles
holds configuration files which get linked to from ~/.config/
Loose configuration files live in the root directory of the repo.
They get linked to from $HOME
holds executable stuff (scripts) and gets added to $PATH
Machine specific stuff should go in ~/.local/
, which has its own versions of the important loose configs and bin/