Releases: Joe-Wasserman/covid-19-united-states-county-quarterly-excess-deaths
What's Changed
Updated to include newly updated NCHS provisional 2020-2021 county-quarter mortality data:
Output now includes estimated deaths for every county-quarter of data, 2015-2021 Q2
Full Changelog: v1.1.2...v1.2.0
Model equation
Minor update: included equation for model using updated {equatiomatic}
Minor model improvements
Minor updates to model and output:
Evaluated several additional models of expected deaths that included state as a random grouping factor
Selected a new, slightly-improved model (counties nested in county sets nested in states)
New output using this new model
Refine excess deaths model
Major changes:
Updated /results/ with estimates from new model.
Selected a new model for estimating excess deaths. Now counties are nested in county sets are nested in census regions.
Updated population estimates with vintage 2020 US Census estimates through 2020.
Rather than treat suppressed values in source datasets as 0, treat them as NA (missing).
Added details of model comparison to docs/
Minor changes:
Output estimated expected deaths for all years back to 2015, not just 2020.
Updated README to reflect changes to model.
Updated estimate_excess_deaths function in code/estimate_excess_deaths.R to include an argument for expected_deaths_model, removing the hard-coded model from the function itself.
Added output: fitted values, residuals, and other observation-level model information to results/united_states_county_quarterly_fitted_deaths_per_day_estimates.csv.
Increased file size allowed by check-added-large-files precommit hook.
Initial public release of 2020 United States county-quarterly excess deaths (or mortality)