This sample demonstrates how to add textgeometry to Autodesk Forge Viewer.
First up, Forge-Viewer is still using V71. So we can't add our text using the default method (refer here). Thankfully, not a whole lot has changed, to make things work - just a couple of name changes, like THREE.FontLoader(). Follow the steps below to load them.
I like the monaco.TTF true-type font, used by Sublime Text Editor, and I want to use this font style inside my three.js scene. You can find a copy from the author here
First, I upload monaco.TTF to this website FaceType.js
This will generate a special ‘js’ file that helps the TextGeometry three.js class. Download this js, load and reference it in your app.
Something like this...
<script src=" <your-font>.js"></script>
Next, let’s create a TextGeometry mesh, and add it into a scene (Forge Viewer overlay)...
//First we create the TextGeometry
let geom = new THREE.TextGeometry(text, {
font: "monaco",
size: size * 25,
height: 0,
curveSegments: 3,
//Here we compute it's boundingbox
//Here we define the material for the geometry
var mat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: this.color });
//Here we create the mesh from using the geometry and material
this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, mat);
//Then, we set its position
this.mesh.position.x = -65;
this.mesh.position.y = -10;
this.mesh.position.z = 5;
//Now we just need to add on a custom scene on viewer
this.viewer.overlays.addMesh(this.mesh, 'custom-scene');
We're almost done, but if you try to load it this way, you might get an error like:
Unhandled Promise Rejection: The font "your-font-name" with normal weight and normal style is missing.
If we take a look at our recently generated js font, we can see it verifies both _typeface_js and _typeface_js.loadFace. That's our third step, we need to ensure _typeface_js object is defined and have faces and loadFace methods referencing to THREE.FontUtils.faces and THREE.FontUtils.loadFace respectively.
That can be done adding the script below before loading your-font.js:
self._typeface_js = {
faces: THREE.FontUtils.faces,
loadFace: THREE.FontUtils.loadFace,
And that's it.
To summarize, here are the steps: 1.Chose your preferred font 2.Create and insert TextGeometry to your overlay 3.Fix the self._typeface_js reference in .js