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Khalil G edited this page Apr 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

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Content Filtering

For more information on content filtering, please refer yourself to Tenor's official API documentation regarding this.

Filter options

Option Content
high G
medium G, PG
low G, PG & PG-13
off G, PG, PG-13 & R (no nudity)

Ratings breakdown

The following is a breakdown of the above filter ratings so you, as a developer, may achieve a better understanding of the options available to you so you may in turn choose the content filter that best suits your needs.

Description G PG PG-13 R
Mild cartoon violence
Humorous violence & Comic Mischief
Realistic Violence
Graphic Violence
Description G PG PG-13 R
Mild Profanity
Censored Profanity
Strong Profanity
Sexual content
Description G PG PG-13 R
Partial/non-detailed nudity (includes cartoon)
Animated depiction of genitals
Non-sexual kisses
Mention of sex, genitals, etc
Suggestive sexual content
Strong sexual content
Substance use
Description G PG PG-13 R
Implied Alcohol or Tobacco Use
Depicts Alcohol or Tobacco Use
Implied Drug Use
Depicts Drug Use
Description G PG PG-13 R
Depicts Gambling
Inflammatory Content
Mild Horror
Intense Horror
Depicts firearms or weapons
Firearms or weapons in use
Firearms or weapons in use with a serious intent to harm
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