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LitmusKt is a litmus testing tool for Kotlin. Litmus tests are small concurrent programs exposing various relaxed behaviors, arising due to compiler or hardware optimizations (for example, instruction reordering).

This project is in an experimental stage of the development. The tool's API is unstable and might be a subject to a further change.


Simply clone the project and run ./gradlew build.

Note that for Kotlin/JVM this project relies on jcstress.


The entry point is the CLI tool residing in :cli subproject. You can use the --help flag to find the details about the CLI, but most basic example requires two settings:

  1. Choose a runner with -r option
  2. After the options are specified, choose the tests to run using regex patterns

Running on Native

Create an executable and run it:

./gradlew :cli:linkReleaseExecutableLinuxX64
./cli/build/bin/linuxX64/releaseExecutable/cli.kexe -r pthread 'StoreBuffering.*'

Depending on what you need, you can:

  • Switch between debug and release (which, among other things, toggles the -opt compiler flag)
  • Specify the platform (linuxX64 / macosX64 / macosArm64)

Running on JVM

Simply run the project with Gradle:

./gradlew :cli:jvmRun --args="-r jcstress -j '-m sanity' 'StoreBuffering.*'"


A single litmus test consists of the following parts:

  • a state shared between threads;
  • code for each thread;
  • an outcome -- a certain value which is the result of running the test;
  • a specification listing accepted and forbidden outcomes

The tool runs litmus tests with various parameters, using the standard techniques also employed by other tools, like herdtools/litmus7 and JCStress.

The tool allocates a batch of shared state instances and runs the threads on one state instance after another, occasionally synchronizing threads with barriers. After all threads finish running, states are converted into outcomes, and the same outcomes are counted. The end result is the list of all different observed outcomes, their frequencies and their types (accepted, interesting or forbidden).

Litmus Test Syntax

Here is an example of the LitmusKt test:

class StoreBufferingState(
  var x: Int = 0,
  var y: Int = 0,
  var r1: Int = 0,
  var r2: Int = 0,

val StoreBuffering = litmusTest(::StoreBufferingState) {
    thread {
        x = 1
        r1 = y
    thread {
        y = 1
        r2 = x
    outcome {
        r1 to r2
    spec {
        accept(listOf(0 to 1, 1 to 0, 1 to 1))
        interesting(listOf(0 to 0))
    reset {
      x = 0
      y = 0
      r1 = 0
      r2 = 0

And here is an example of the tool's output:

 outcome |    type     |  count  | frequency 
 [1, 0]  |  ACCEPTED   | 6298680 |  48.451%  
 [0, 1]  |  ACCEPTED   | 6291034 |  48.392%  
 [0, 0]  | INTERESTING | 405062  |  3.1158%  
 [1, 1]  |  ACCEPTED   |  5224   |  0.0401%  

Let us describe the litmus test's declaration.

  • As a first argument litmusTest takes a function producing the shared state instance.
  • The second argument is DSL builder lambda, setting up the litmus test.
  • thread { ... } lambdas set up the code run in different threads of the litmus tests — these lambdas take shared state instance as a receiver.
  • outcome { ... } lambda sets up the outcome of a test obtained after all threads have run — these lambdas also take shared state instance as a receiver.
  • spec { ... } lambda classifies the outcomes into acceptable, interesting, and forbidden categories.
  • reset { ... } lambda is used to reset the shared state to its original value, so that the test can be run again using the same state instance.

Here are a few additional convenient features.

  • Classes implementing LitmusAutoOutcome interface set up an outcome automatically. There are a few predefined subclasses of this interface. For example, the class LitmusIIOutcome with II standing for "int, int" expects two integers as an outcome. This class have two fields var r1: Int and var r2: Int. These fields should be set inside litmus test's threads, and then they will be automatically used to form an outcome.
  • Additionally, if the state implements LitmusAutoOutcome, you can use a shorter syntax for declaring accepted / interesting / forbidden outcomes. For example, for LitmusIIOutcome you can use accept(r1: Int, r2: Int) to add (r1, r2) as an accepted outcome. Moreover, r1 and r2 will be automatically reset after running the test, so you don't need to manually write them in the reset section.
  • Finally, LitmusAutoOutcome is considerably more performant than manually creating any extra outcome object. It is therefore strongly advised to use this interface at all times.
  • Since each test usually has its own specific state, it is quite convenient to use anonymous classes for them.

Using these features, the test from above can be shortened as follows:

val StoreBuffering: LitmusTest<*> = litmusTest({
    object : LitmusIIOutcome() {
        var x = 0
        var y = 0
}) {
    thread {
        x = 1
        r1 = y
    thread {
        y = 1
        r2 = x
    spec {
        accept(0, 1)
        accept(1, 0)
        accept(1, 1)
        interesting(0, 0)
    reset {
      x = 0
      y = 0

Litmus Test Runners

Litmus tests are run with a LitmusRunner. This interface has several running functions:

  • runTests(tests, params, timeLimit) runs several tests one after another, each with the given params, optionally repeating each test for the duration of timeLimit.
  • runSingleTestParallel(test, params, timeLimit = 0, instances = ...) runs a single test in parallel instances, with the given params and optionally repeating for timeLimit. The default value for instances is #{of cpu cores} / #{of threads in test}.

The following implementations of LitmusRunner are available:

  • For native:
    • WorkerRunner: based on K/N Worker API
    • PthreadRunner: based on C interop pthread API
  • For JVM:
    • JvmThreadRunner: a simple runner based on Java threads
    • JCStressRunner: a special runner that delegates to JCStress. Note that many of LitmusRunner parameters are not applicable to JCStress. Furthermore, there are JCStress-exclusive options as well.

Litmus Test Parameters

There is a number of parameters that can be varied between test runs. Their influence on the results can change drastically depending on the particular test, hardware, and so on.

  • AffinityMap: bindings from thread to CPU cores. Obtained through AffinityManager, which is available from getAffinityManager() top-level function.
  • syncEvery: the number of tests between barrier synchronizations. Practice shows that on Native the reasonable range is somewhere in the range from 10 to 100, while on JVM it works best in the range from 1000 to 10000. This highly depends on the particular test.
  • Barrier: can be either Kotlin-implemented (KNativeSpinBarrier) or C-implemented (CinteropSpinBarrier). C-implemented might yield better results. On JVM, use JvmSpinBarrier in favor of JvmCyclicBarrier.

Common practice is to iterate through different parameter bundles and aggregate the results across them.

  • Function variateParameters() takes the cross-product of all passed parameters (hence use listOf(null) instead of emptyList() for unused arguments).
  • For results aggregation, use List<LitmusResult>.mergeResults().
  • You can also use LitmusResult.generateTable() to format the results into a human-readable table.

Project structure

The project consists of several subprojects:

  • :core contains the core infrastructure such as LitmusTest and LitmusRunner interfaces, etc.
  • :testsuite contains the litmus tests themselves.
  • :codegen uses KSP to collect all tests from :testsuite.
  • :jcstress-wrapper contains the code to convert LitmusTest-s into JCStress-compatible Java wrappers.
  • :cli is a user-friendly entry point.


  • If you decide to add some litmus tests, and you wish for them to be registered in the CLI, you must put them into :testsuite subproject. Use the existing tests as reference for the proper test structure.
  • Setting thread affinity is not supported on macOS yet. As such, getAffinityManager() returns null on macOS.
  • It is possible to run the tests with @Test annotation. However, the tests are run in debug mode by the kotlinx.test framework. Running litmus tests in the debug mode can affect their results, potentially hiding some relaxed behaviors.
  • In practice, all cases of currently found relaxed behaviors can be consistently found in under a minute of running.
  • Avoid creating unnecessary objects inside threads, especially if they get shared. This not only significantly slows down the performance, but can also introduce unexpected relaxed behaviors.
  • The tool currently doesn't address the false sharing problem. It has been shown to be fairly significant, but we looked for a solution and found none good enough. This problem can be resolved with a @Contended-like annotation in Kotlin, which does not yet exist.
  • When writing tests with LitmusAutoOutcome, it is possible to achieve a post-processing step similar to JCStress @Arbiter. To do that, you can write your code in the outcome{} section, and then return this from it. An example can be found in the WordTearing test.


Litmus testing tool for Kotlin/Native (WIP)






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