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This gem is a tool to run docker containers with rake commands, good for CI/CD and Rails projects


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Lucy Dockerunner

Lucy Dockerunner is a Ruby gem that provides a simple wrapper around the Docker Compose CLI to make it easier to run Docker Compose commands from ruby projects.

Gem Version License: MIT Ruby Version

Ruby version: >= 2.6.0

This gem version: 0.2.0



The default file is set to docker-compose.yml, but you can change it setting the LUCY_FILE environment variable.


Check services in compose.rake file.


You can install the gem by executing:

$ gem install lucy_dockerunner

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'lucy_dockerunner'


If you want to use superuser privileges, you can set the LUCY_SU with your superuser command, for example:

$ export LUCY_SU="sudo"

Or in .env LUCY_SU=sudo

Add the following code to your Rakefile to load the tasks

require 'lucy_dockerunner'
require "dotenv/load"


Docker actions(more services in compose.rake file)

  • rake compose:install - build docker compose and migrate the database
  • rake compose:build - build docker compose services
  • rake compose:up - start the docker compose services
  • rake compose:down - stop the docker compose services
  • rake compose:status - show the status of the docker compose services
  • rake compose:shell - open a shell in the web service
  • rake compose:db_detach - detach the database from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:redis_detach - detach the redis from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:back_detach - detach the backend(redis, sidekiq, db) from the docker compose services
  • rake compose:restart - restart the docker compose services
  • rake compose:clean_all - clean all docker compose services
  • rake compose:clean_images - clean all docker compose images
  • rake compose:clean_volumes - clean all docker compose volumes
  • rake compose:clean_orphans - clean all docker compose orphans
  • rake compose:clean_containers - clean all docker compose containers

Database actions

  • rake compose_db:migrate - migrate the database
  • rake compose_db:reset - reset the database
  • rake compose_db:drop - drop the database
  • rake compose_db:create - create the database
  • rake compose_db:seed - seed the database
  • rake compose_db:rollback - rollback the database
  • rake compose_db:setup - setup the database
  • rake compose_db:complete_setup - complete setup the database
  • rake compose_db:reset_setup - drop and setup the database
  • rake compose_db:reset - reset the database

Tests actions

  • rake compose_test:all - run all tests
  • rake compose_test:clean_all - run all tests after cleaning docker compose services
  • rake compose_test:controllers - run controllers tests
  • rake compose_test:models - run models tests
  • rake compose_test:requests - run requests tests
  • rake compose_test:helpers - run helpers tests
  • rake compose_test:mailers - run mailers tests
  • rake compose_test:routing - run routing tests
  • rake compose_test:views - run views tests

LOGS actions

  • rake compose_logs:web - show web logs
  • rake compose_logs:db - show db logs
  • rake compose_logs:redis - show redis logs
  • rake compose_logs:sidekiq - show sidekiq logs
  • rake compose_logs:all - show all logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_web - tail web logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_db - tail db logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_redis - tail redis logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_sidekiq - tail sidekiq logs
  • rake compose_logs:tail_all - tail all logs

Assets actions

  • rake compose_assets:precompile - precompile assets
  • rake compose_assets:clean - clean assets
  • rake compose_assets:clobber - clobber assets

Start the docker compose services

$ rake compose:up


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

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The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the LucyDockerunner project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.