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Jeffry Samuel edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 3 revisions

Alpaca provides the option to attach a wide variety of files and content to user messages.


When adding attachments other than images they are converted to text, adding too many text to a message might confuse the model, to solve this use big models (if possible on your device) or separate your content in different messages to make it easier for the model to understand your prompt.


Attachments are divided in different categories depending on how they are handled by Alpaca.

Plain Text

These are files that don't need to be converted to be sent to a model.

Name Extension
Markdown .md
Text file .txt


These files work the same way as plain text files but the code language is specified before being sent to the model.

Name Extension
C code .c
C header .h
Style sheet .css
Website structure .html
JavaScript code .js
Typescript code .ts
Python code .py
Java code .java
Extensible markup .xml
Assembly code .asm
Portable assembly code .nasm
C# code .cs
C# script .csx
C++ code .cpp
C++ code .cxx
C++ code .cp
C++ header .hxx
Include file .inc
Comma-separated values .csv
Common Lisp .lsp
Lisp .lisp
Emacs Lisp .el
Emacs configuration file .emacs
Lex source code .l
CUDA code .cu
Docker definition .dockerfile
OpenGL Shading Language .glsl
Grammar definition .g
Lua script .lua
PHP code .php
Ruby code .rb
Ruby code .ru
Rust code .rs
SQL script .sql
Shell script .sh
PICO-8 code .p8


Not every model is compatible with image recognition, to find compatible models look for the Image Recognition badge in the models description in the list of available models, if the model selected isn't compatible Alpaca won't let the user attach images and will ignore them when sending a message.

You can also attach web images by copying and pasting them into the message textbox.

  • .png
  • .jpeg
  • .jpg
  • .webp


Models are not compatible directly with PDFs so when attaching a pdf file Alpaca will extract text and ignore images. Only the extracted text will be sent to a model but the whole pdf is stored inside Alpaca's files.

Before sending a message check the contents of the file by clicking it's name on top of the message entry.


This is the file extension used by LibreOffice Writer, when attaching this type of document, Alpaca will extract titles, paragraphs and tables.

Before sending a message check the contents of the file by clicking it's name on top of the message entry.

YouTube Transcriptions

Alpaca is capable of extracting the transcription of a YouTube video, to attach a transcription simply paste the URL of a YouTube video, Alpaca will then give you the option to select a language to be attached, specifying if a language is a translation or a manual transcript from the video's author.

Videos with fancy subtitles and effects often seen in J-POP music videos might not work, this is because to get those effects, videos often use multiple repeated sentences with different colors, non standard characters, ETC.

Web Extraction

Alpaca can extract the main text of websites, to try this simply paste the URL of a website, Alpaca will prompt you giving you the option to extract the contents of the website. The results may vary depending on the way the page is structured, you cannot extract content from a YouTube URL since Alpaca will assume you are trying to extract a videos transcript.

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