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Releases: JeffersonLab/hps-dst

Pass6 tweak reconstruction release

14 Jun 06:37
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This release will be used to generate DST's from pass6 tweak pass reconstruction files. The DST's will be used in the un-blinded bump-hunt analysis.

What's New

Bug Fixes

Pass 4 reconstruction release

17 Dec 02:03
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This is the release that will be used to create DST's from pass 3 reconstruction files.

What's New

Bug fixes

Pass 3 reconstruction release

Pass 2 reconstruction release

14 Sep 07:39
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This is the release that will be used to create DST's from pass 2 reconstruction files.

What's New

  • SVT bias, position and burst noise flags were added to the event.
  • Moller candidates were added to the DST.
  • All 3D hits are now being being persisted to the DST instead of just hits on track.
  • Type variable was added to SvtTrack and HpsParticle.
  • SvtDataWriter was updated so it can handle multiple track collections.
  • Isolation variables for all sensor layers to were added to SvtTrack.
  • A reference to the SeedTrack was added to the corresponding GBL track

Bug Fixes

  • Correct references to daughter HpsParticles (final state particles) are now being added to mother HpsParticles (v0 particles)
  • The hps-dst package compatible with Mac OS bug
  • Examples were updated so they work with the latest version of the DST
  • Corrections are now applied to all GBL track parameters.