Starred repositories
农历,中国农历历法项目,无需数据库环境,以《钦定协纪辨方书》为核心的python3 农历、黄历、二十四节气、节假日、星次、每日凶煞、每日值神、农历建除十二神、农历每日宜忌、彭祖百忌、每日五行、二十八星宿、天干地支、农历生辰八字、时辰凶吉等开源项目。
TrendPublish: 全自动 AI 内容生成与发布系统 | 微信公众号自动化 | 多源数据抓取 (Twitter/X、网站) | DeepseekAI、千问、讯飞模型 | 智能内容分析排序 | 定时发布 | 多模板支持 | Node.js | TypeScript | AI 技术趋势跟踪工具
xiaof631 / CustomPictureInPicture
Forked from CaiWanFeng/PiPFully customize your PiP in iOS, Android and Flutter.(全方位自定义画中画,移动端全平台[iOS Android Flutter]支持。悬浮提词器,Teleprompter,悬浮时钟,秒杀神器,记牌器,抢茅台,抢球鞋,隐藏系统按钮,添加自定义view,改变形状,旋转,拍照录屏正常运行,高精度timer,审核一次过)
Examples with SwiftUI that showcase various interactions, animations and more
"Copybook Generator" is a powerful copybook generation tool designed to meet the writing practice needs of different users.
Collection of Free English/Chinese Fonts for Commercial Use. 收录可商用的免费英文/汉字字体。
A demo project showing different types of Widgets created with SwiftUI and WidgetKit.
Use your MacBook's notch like Dynamic Island for temporary storing files and AirDrop
Converts Lottie Animations (.json / .lottie) and Telegram stickers (*.tgs) to GIF / PNG / APNG / WEBP / WEBM
自我进化,个人、家庭、工作三位一体 爱 健康 财富 是人生值得追求的东西!人生不过是一段体验。我们都是时间的囚徒,活在当下。有趣!有料!
A one-file, App Store upload-safe version of Janum Trivedi's variable blur effect.
GPUImage 3 is a BSD-licensed Swift framework for GPU-accelerated video and image processing using Metal.
A set of super-light modifiers and functions that adds haptic feedbacks to any SwiftUI View.
octree / Kingfisher
Forked from onevcat/KingfisherA lightweight, pure-Swift library for downloading and caching images from the web.
SwiftUI Package for Configurable Confetti Animation 🎉
A realtime sketch to image demo using LCM and the gradio library.