####Currently can convert four units
- it can convert Currency, eg. USD/HKD/AUD/RMB/JPY/GBP
- it can convert Length, eg. meter/feet/inch/mile
- it can convert Weight, eg. g/kg/pound/ounce/ton
- it can convert Temperature, eg. F/C
####Dependencies(all included as you clone it)
- [D3 js] (https://d3js.org/)
- [NVD3 js] (http://nvd3.org/)
- [Angular NVD3 js] (http://krispo.github.io/angular-nvd3/#/)
- [NVD3 css] (http://nvd3.org/)
- [Flag icon css] (http://flag-icon-css.lip.is/)
####Run on Browser
- ionic serve (Command Prompt/Git Bash)
####Run on Android Device (through a windows computer)
- Install JDK
- Install Android SDK
- Configure environment varibles for JDK and Android SKD
- ionic platform add android (Git Bash)
- connect you android device to your computer
- ionic run android (Git Bash)
####Run on IOS Device (through a Mac)
- ionic platform add ios (Git Bash)
- ionic build ios --device (Git Bash)