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Continuous heritrix shell suite (CHSS)

  • Developed and used for basic automation of continuous heritrix jobs from 2020/05, till 2022, with dedicated virtual machines / containers heritrix instances in Webarchive CZ.

1. Deployement and usage of CHSS


  • Running on single VM/container and in single instance
    • Dedicated heritrix user
    • Accessible cron for dedicated user
      • Installation of Java
    • Installation of Heritrix vs. 3
  • necessary to set up with all system links / FS shares during deploy of crawling server and installation of heritrix engine are not part of this readme
  • for more complex jobs, should be used DB templates, AMQP protocols and asynchronous event processing

1.2. Structure of dirs

  • Continuous suite is composed of several scripts and specialised functions for passive monitoring and simple running of continuous crawls with high intensisty
  • Consists of:
    • project directory - Specific continuous dir
      • stat-checks - Statistics samples logs dir
      • logs-runtime - Runtime logs dir
    • central directory - General dir for all projects
    • archival directory - structure not included here, dependent on each case and overall archival strategy, also as FS structure

1.3. Basic operation

    1. pull and deploy
cd <Crawler-config-dir>
git clone
cd continuous-suite
mv project-dir <Project-dir>
    1. create new cron record
heritrix@crawler:~$ crontab -e
6    4,9,13,17,21    *    *    * <project_dir>/ >> <project_dir>/logs_runtime/<project_name>-cs-`date +\%Y\%m`.log 2>&1
    1. before running, it is necessary to configure paths and variables (see lower, in 2. Customisations)

2. Customisations

2.1. Project directory of continuous crawl

  • main project directory and settings for each continuous project
    • for each instance of continuous crawl create own directory
  • necessary to set up project path: /
  • installation
    • by deploying project-dir for concrete continuous type project
cd <Project-dir> 
ls   # Main running script, flow of events  # Main settings, sourcing
seeds.txt               # Actual seeds - could be customised, eg. tsv import
stat-checks             # Directory for aggregated crawl sample statistics in tsv format, eg. Continuous-Cov19-2023-02-01-Cov19.techlog.tsv 
runtime-logs            #Logs of cron runtime

2.1.1. File

  • main settings for crawler and crawl settings and continuous-suite
    • important - fill up with actual paths and dates
      • specification - typ - Key identifier composed from Type_ProjectName - expecting same as project directory
    • logins and passes set up in local .sh, not here
  • settings categories
    • Crawler variables and paths
    • Crawl Metadata
      • Dates (authomatic)
      • Project
      • important - typ - Key identifier composed from Type_ProjectName - expecting same as project directory
        • Paths
        • Organizational
    • Crawl Quantitative - Dynamic crawler values
    • Seeds source - TSV
    • Stats

2.1.2 File

  • main script with event flow and crawler set up and app logic
  • uses other supporting scripts:
    • project dir
      • crawler-beans.template
    • central dir
    • archive dir
  • on first deploy:
    • change target for sourcing after project path: source <Crawler-config-dir>/continuous-suite/<Project-dir>
  • structure:
      1. Initiation of variables
      1. Functions defintions
      • helping functions
      1. Seeds reactualization
      • reactualization of seedsm otpional
    • 4.A Crawl Initiation - Set up deploy
      • deploy crawler-beans.cxml after actual variables
    • 4.B Crawl Initiation - Crawler initiation
      • restart of heritrix crawler
      1. Crawl - Basic Event Flow
      1. Archiving and operationa logs cleaning
  • actual crawl flow accords to basic sequential crawl flow
    • Crawl Initiation
    • Crawl Launch
    • Crawl Unpausing - here depends at crawler setting
    • Crawl Runnning
    • Crawl Termination
    • Crawl Teardown

2.1.3 File crawler-beans.template

  • supporting template file for crawl
  • on deploy:
    • necessary credentials - either include own or comment it
      • for domain
        • ,
      • for domain
        • ,
      • etc. set up credentialStore
    • customize local beans (ad hoc)
      • rejectLocalCalendars.regexList
      • surtPrefixes
      • rejectLocalCalendars-sheet
      • rejectLocalTraps-sheet
      • SurtPrefixesSheetAssociation
  • structure of main settings and their template (change only ad hoc project / project type / structure)
    • basic settings
      • metadata.jobName=%TYP% %DNES%-%SHORT_N%
      • metadata.operator=%ACTUAL_OPERATOR%
      • metadata.description=%M_COMMENT%
      • warcWriter.prefix=%TYP%-%DNES%-%SHORT_N%_%CRAWLER_HOST%-
      • warcWriter.storePaths=%CORE_STORE%/%TYP_LC%/%TYP%-%DNES%-%SHORT_N%
    • duplication reduction and ops
      • historyBdb.dir=%CRAWLER_JOBS%/history/%YEAR%-history-state-year
      • bdb.dir=%CRAWLER_JOBS%/states/%TYP_LC%/%YEAR%
      • crawlController.scratchDir=%CRAWLER_JOBS%/scratchx%TYP_LC%
    • settings
      • frontier.balanceReplenishAmount=%BALANCE_REPLENISHAM%
      • crawlController.maxToeThreads=%MAX_TOETHREADS%
      • crawlLimiter.maxTimeSeconds=%MAX_TIMESECONDS%
      • #tooManyHopsDecideRule.maxHops=%MAX_HOPS%
      • #transclusionDecideRules.maxTransHops=%MAX_TRANSHOPS%
      • #transclusionDecideRules.maxSpeculativeHops=%MAX_SPECHOPS%
      • #scope.maxHops=%MAX_HOPS%
      • #scope.maxTransHops=%MAX_TRANSHOPS%
      • #scope.maxSpeculativeHops=%MAX_SPECHOPS%
      • warcWriter.poolMaxActive=%POOL_MAXACTIVE%
    • metadata
      • metadata.operatorContactUrl=%OPER_WEB%
      • metadata.operatorFrom=%OPER_MAIL%
      • metadata.organization=%OPER_ORGANIZATIONFULL%
      • metadata.audience=%OPER_AUDIENCE%
      • metadata.userAgentTemplate=%OPER_TEMPLATE%
    • storePaths

2.2 Central opt directory

  • contains scripts central to multipurpose use, not only
/opt/heritrix 		# Crawler starting script 		# Statistics checking

2.2.1. File

  • creates statistic logs ".techlog.tsv"
  • usage:
    • automatical from
    • manual: <central-dir-path>/ <runtime_seconds> Continuous-Cov19-YYYY-MM-DD-Cov19 <ip_adress> <port>
  • set up variables
    • type, ip-adress, file_name, runtime in seconds are taken from Main settings ( )
    runtime="${1} seconds"
    TYP=${2}		# "Continuous-X"
    ADDRESS=${4}	# "IP adress X.X.X.X"
    PORT=${5} 	# port
    FName=${3}	# Path+Filename
    • login and password need to set up locally

2.2.2. File

  • starts crawler with defined parametres
  • on deploy:
    • change <actual-crawler-login>,<actual-crawler-password>
  • usage:
    • automatical from
    • manual <crawler_ip> <port> <java-XmxInMB> <java-XmsInMB> <HERITRIX_HOME> <JAVA_HOME>

2.3. Archive dir

  • recommended strutcture for logging /mnt/archives/rok/continuous-name vcitane scriptu z toolboxu pre ukladanie logov

2.3.1. File

  • external script, created by R. Kreibich and updated by P. Habetinova
  • added for inspiration

3. Indexation and Publication

  • missing from scope of this project
  • it is dependent on indexation processess of project and archive needs

4. Logs structure

4.1. Runtime logs

  • basic process related structure with datetime

4.2. Structure of statisctic logs .tsv

  • samples by set up frequency, should cover main aspects of crawl runtime
| date | elapsedMilliseconds | lastReachedState | novel | dupByHash | warcNovelContentBytes | warcNovelUrls | activeQueues | snoozedQueues | exhaustedQueues | busyThreads | congestionRatio | currentKiBPerSec | currentDocsPerSecond | usedBytes | alertCount |
 | ----- | ---------- | ---- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | --- | --- | ---- | --- | ------- | ---- |
| 09:09:32 |  33102  |  PAUSE  |  0  |  0  |   |   |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |   |  0  |  0  |  1293253128  |  0  | 
| 09:10:34 |  93431  |  RUN  |  60365985  |  88987568  |  60366378  |  1392  |  492  |  229  |  120  |  150  |  12.997361  |  2124  |  35  |  1463790776  |  0  | 
| 09:11:38 |  155843  |  RUN  |  169967391  |  286983358  |  169967914  |  2711  |  596  |  396  |  194  |  150  |  10.399267  |  5432  |  98  |  1384826816  |  0  | 
| 09:12:40 |  218913  |  RUN  |  318117678  |  623741404  |  318118201  |  4458  |  712  |  542  |  295  |  150  |  9.520231  |  7712  |  102  |  3413708416  |  0  |

4.3. Other logs

  • accessible in archived crawl dirs, standardly created by heritrix

5. License

Continuous suite is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GPL 3, with reservation to secrets generally and path and date customisations in


Continuous heritrix shell suite (CHSS)



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