This EP Bot is written in python with selenium and is currently designed for the Reading section of EP and has only been tested on MacOS
- Clone this repository somewhere onto your computer
- Download the correct Chromium driver for your computer from here
- Enter the path to that download into the code in place of "ENTER THE PATH TO THR SELENIUM DRIVER DOWNLOAD FROM"
- Install all the moduel
- After downloading and running the chromedriver if you get a pop up saying this could be dangerous or it won't run please follow the istructions on this website website
- The bot sometimes doesn't grab all the questions due to selenium not being able to find them
- Create a UI
- Add support for Listening, Dictation and Speaking
- Add Support for different type of questions such as Science, Math, English
- Faster
- Make it undetectable by bot detection
- Different modes such as Automatic, Helper mode
- Added support for Writing
- Clean up the code a little bit
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed login bug where sometime you would recieve a NoSuchElementException error
- Fixed issue with setting questions to infinite if there are no options above it
- Bot will now learn from past mistake
- Support for english spelling
- If you would like to me to add a feature or you would like to help with this project feel free to reach out