A marketplace with unique identification using Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP) to ensure that if a person is doing something for the first time.
There are many NFT marketplaces but the developers/creators are not able to airdrop or giveaway their products because of the fact that a single user can create multiple accounts in order to claim the product. Using Worldcoin this problem can be tackled as it uses Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP) which verifies if the user has executed this task before or not. Essentially this marketplace can also prevent users from spamming. The main purpose of this marketplace is to ensure that a user has only made one account in order to get a free reward as the first time login bonus. Creators can also airdrop or giveaway their products using the marketplace.
## Screenshots of the Dapp
Transacrion page link : https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xdc375468fb8786fd51a75785b59226f6df236c4ea5ceb8cc811119768976aff6 contract address : 0xcc4f5080ff23c512d1cccbf575bc692812af4a86
Demo vid link : https://youtu.be/AvHEDr1Gq1Q
- Javascript
- Next.js
- Tailwind
- Solidity
- OpenZeppelin
- Worldcoin
- Rainbow kit
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Jahanshah1/SynapseMarketplace
Go to client directory
cd client
Install dependencies
npm i
start localhost
npm run dev
If there are any problems please contact me [email protected]
- Create an interactive and dynamic UI
- Create a smart contract for the marketplace
- integrate Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Personhood Protocol (PPPoPP) using Worldcoin
- Fix bugs and glitches in UI
- Fully integrate front-end with smart contracts making it a full fletched web 3 app
- Add cross chain compatibilty for bridging NFTs
- Adding Dynamic NFTs