A self governing platform where people can vote and buy fractions of NFTs
There are many expensive NFTs with great utility but people are unable to invest due to high floor price and many times due to enormous amount of existing projects people are unable to identify an opportunity hence this DAO will help people own fraction of NFT by having a common treasury for investors and find new opportunities by passing new proposals, investing and essentially self governing.
This projects consists of two smart contracts written in Solidity NFTDAOtoken and NFTDAO, NFTDAOtoken is an ERC20 token which will be used for voting on the DAO and NFTDAO is the governance contract featuring passing proposals and voting.
Users can directly view details of an NFT collections through the native platform's home page where they can view price action, floor-price, attributes, rarity, volume and other details of a collection. Any user can pass a proposal to buy NFT(s). The voting duration will be 5 days long and if there are more than 75% of investors in favour then the proposal will pass.
- Celo plugin
- Solidity
- Openzeppelin
- React.js
- Javscript
- Typescript
- Tatum API
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Jahanshah1/NFTDAO
Go to client directory
cd client
Install dependencies
npm i
start localhost
npm start
If there are any problems please refer to https://github.com/Jahanshah1/NFTDAO/blob/main/troubleshoot.md Or contact me [email protected]
- Add NFTs on CELO for selection
- Add Proposals
- Create Native ERC20 token
- Fix bugs and glitches in UI
- Improve UI
- Add multi-chain compatibility