- 리스너(서버에서 지정한 관리자)와 스피커(일반 사용자) 가 매일 저녁 3분씩 “오늘 하루 어땠나요?” 라는 주제로 대화를 나누는 마음 건강 지키미 앱
- (A mental health guardian app where a listener (an administrator designated by the server) and a speaker (a regular user) share a conversation on the topic of 'How was your day today?' for three minutes every evening)
- Architecture: MVVM
- Design Pattern:Coordinator
- UI: UIkit(Code-based UI)
- Dependency: CocoaPods, Swift Package Manager
- CD: Fastlane
- Networking: Moya
- Asynchronous programming: Rxswift, RxCocoa, GCD
- Library: AgoraRtcKit
- 굿리스너는
의 2개의 파트로 이루어진 앱입니다. - GoodListener is an app comprised of two parts: the Listener and the Speaker.
AppStore (The server has been discontinued)