What's New
- Added support for themes! You can now make Vitality GOES look and feel the way you want through pre-built themes - or make your own! For more information on theming Vitality GOES, see https://github.com/JVital2013/vitality-goes/blob/main/docs/themes.md.
- Add support for changing the website title through the
config option. I highly recommend doing this if your Vitality GOES instance is exposed to the internet to make it harder (but not impossible) to identify
What's Changed
- Renamed "Configure Location" screen to "Local Settings"
- Force all error levels when debug is set to true, including deprecation notices
- Other bug fixes
Additional Notes
Since this version is being released less than a week after GOES-18 became GOES West, this version still has full sample configs for GOES-17. This is the last version of Vitality GOES that will include samples for GOES-17. GOES-17 will be removed from sample configs and secondary processing scripts for future releases.
If you have existing configs for GOES-17 data you already received, this will keep working after I remove the samples from the repo.
Full Changelog: v1.2...v1.3