- Version 0.4.0. - @khituras
- Fixed a bug where the componentList.json files would contain all components currently loaded. - @khituras
- Setting the command line output to debug. - @khituras
- Updating to jcore-base 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT. - @khituras
- Trying to avoid an NPE with PEARs (artifact version check). - @khituras
- Fixed an issue where repositories could not be added. - @khituras
- The command calling the pipeline runner now takes $JAVA_HOME into account. - @khituras
- The JCoRePipeline can now have a parent POM. - @khituras
- Added a dialog to write a POM with all component dependencies. - @khituras
- Component repositories can now be added and changed in version. - @khituras