Web Development by Jonathan Sexton
Portfolio Project
Note: This is made according to Udacity Front End Web Development Project 1 guidelines.
This is a Bootstrap powered responsive web design Portfolio project
- To view this project live, please follow this link: js-goose.github.io
- This repository consists of the following essential files:
folder containing all embedded images
- To view this project locally, clone this repo and open the file
using a local host
Follow this link for more information on how to get this awesome T-shirt, and lern more open source contributions.
Here are some resources and links to help you get started with GIT and Github
Here are some resource and information on opensource and the opensource community
2.Identifying How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub
3.Hacktoberfest: My Gateway to Open Source
This project is licensed under MIT License 2018. https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
External resources used:
- Bootstrap - https://getbootstrap.com/
- Image courtsey: Unsplash - https://www.unsplash.com/
- Icons courtsey: Font Awesome - https://fontawesome.com/
- Fonts: Google Fonts - https://www.fonts.google.com/