The purpose of this project is being able to import a csv file. For visualizing design diagrams use PlantUML.
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin. We are going to use:
- ApplicationInsights
- ServiceBus
- BlobStorage
- KeyVault
- Liquibase (migrations)
- Dependency on Java
- Add a new instance of ApplicationInsights
- Create a new SQL Database
- Add a new Storage account for storing Blobs.
- Create a new namespace in ServiceBus
- The tier needs to be Standard or Premium for being able to create topics.
- KeyVault:
- Add a new key vault for this project.
- Create following secrets:
- SqlConnectionString
- ServiceBusConnectionString
- CloudStorageConnectionString
- AppInsightsInstrumentationKey
Migration project boilerplate and migration files were generated with Liquibase-CLI
and modify accordingly. -
For running migrations, execute the following in your console:
cd migrations && liquibase update