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Crossfit Tracker RESTful API

PHP RESTful API for the Crossfit Tracker Application


  • PHP (v7)
  • Symfony (v4)
  • Doctrine (v2.5.11)

Design Decisions

The Symfony framework was chosen when designing this API as the web client is written in Angular and what both of these frameworks have in common is the use of Dependency Injection.

Doctrine was used as an Object Relational Mapping tool. Doctrine integrates seamlessly into the Symfony framework.

I attempted to follow OOP principles as much as possible with the design of this application by ensuring each object is responsible for its own behaviour and by abstracting the code as much as possible.

Running the application

Ensure you have PHP and Composer installed before running any of the following commands. Also ensure you have the curl extension enabled on your php.ini file.

Run the composer install:

$ composer install

The most ideal way to run the application is using docker and docker compose. If you have these installed, execute the following commands:

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d

Now would be an ideal time to start up the frontend application as it takes roughly 5 seconds for the API to start up.

If you do not have docker, you can run the following commands:

$ composer install

Then you can run the dev web server:

$ php -S localhost:8080 -t public

Make sure you have a local MySQL instance. The script to create the database is at the following location:

$ .docker/mysql/scripts/init_db.sql

You will then need to modify the .env file to point to your local instance:

# Comment out the above property and uncomment below for running locally

From there, run the migrations to initialize the database:

$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration

The API will be available at http://localhost:8080


PHP RESTful API for the Crossfit Tracker Application








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