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Run on

Team 7221 code for the 2022 FRC season. This project can be found on GitHub at JHS-Viking-Robotics/FRC-2022. You can also find the 2021 code for Heimdall on the main-heimdall-2021 branch.

New to this project? Head on over to our Java-Hello-World tutorial and return back here once you feel comfortable with Java. Then check out the Getting Started section for some quick tips, and happy hacking!


Quick Setup

Using a computer set up as a Driver Station, pull this repository from GitHub using the instructions on the big green Code button. Connect the computer to the robot with a USB or Ethernet cable. In VS Code, press Ctrl + Shift + P to bring up the command palette, type WPILib: Deploy Robot Code, and hit enter. Now you should be able to drive the robot using the Driver Station.

Getting Started

The following sections contain useful information if you want to deploy or develop this code.

Hardware Setup

Our robot follows the following conventions. All devices are updated with the latest firmware, and are always connected pos <--> pos and grd <--> grd (inversion is only handled in the code). You can find pictures of the robot on our website. We are using RevRobotics SparkMAX Motor Controllers and NEO Brushless Motors

Subsystem Motor(s) Controller(s) Sensor(s)
Drivetrain 4 x NEO 4 x SparkMAX 4 x Internal
Shooter 2 x NEO 2 x SparkMAX (not used)
Intake 1 x NEO 1 x SparkMAX (not used)
Lift 1 x NEO 1 x SparkMAX (not used)

We also have a CTRE PCM which manages the "trigger" piston on our shooter system. All the equipment is standard KOP stuff.

Deploying To RoboRIO

To deploy the code to the RoboRIO, pull this repository from GitHub using the instructions on the big green Code button. Choose the tag on the main branch depending on which version you need, or leave it alone to use the latest version. Code on the development branch is under testing and not necessarily functional.

Controls Layout

During testing, each subsystem will manage its own tab on the Shuffleboard. For competition code, these tabs will not be available so the buttons don't accidentally get triggered. The following is the current controls layout:

Action Button Notes
Enable/Disable FOD Dashboard Field Oriented Driving (FOD) makes all movements act relative to the field rather than the robot
Drive Slide Left Stick Drives the robot forward/backward/left/right Mecanum style
Drive Rotation Right Stick Rotates the robot clockwise/counter-clockwise
Toggle Shooter X Button Toggles the Shooter motors on/off
Fire Shooter Y Button Fires the Shooter piston and automatically retracts it
Run Intake Bumpers Run the intake while either bumper is help
Raise Lift Secondary Controller Y Button Raise the Lift when held
Lower Lift Secondary Controller A Button Lower the Lift when held

Style Guide

We do not yet have a strict style guide. Generally we expect new commits to follow the same styling as the rest of the code.

All methods, members, and code blocks should have javadocs and comments to make them easily understandable to other developers.

For pull requests and commit messages, check out the Team 7221 Docs for templates and guidelines.

Feature Requests And Bug Reporting

Find something broken, or see something you don't like? Open a Bug Report or a Feature Request using the provided templates. We'll do our best to help out!

Learn More About The Team

Interested in sponsoring us or getting to know our team? Check out our website!