Templating system in WordPress (woocommerce like) also for email with l10n support.
- Your plugin as a
folder that will be loaded by the plugin based on the code - If a theme has a folder with the same slug name of the plugin will look if the file exist there
composer require wpbp/language:1.0.1
composer-php52 supported.
// This is like the woocommerce function
function load_content_demo( $original_template ) {
if ( is_singular( 'demo' ) && in_the_loop() ) {
return wpbp_get_template_part( 'plugin-name-folder', 'content', 'demo', false, array() ); // The last parameter is for arguments to pass to the template but is not mandatory
} else {
return $original_template;
add_filter( 'template_include', 'load_content_demo' );
// This is an extended version that search for folder with names based on locales like it_IT
$get_template_email = wpbp_get_template_part( 'plugin-name-folder' , 'header', 'prefix' );
is the same of https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/get_template_part/ this filter, the difference is that this one is executed by this library
is a function that looks for folder like en_US
with file's extension .tpl
The code is very easy and in case of doubts you can check here.