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Merge pull request #1 from pro100kot/no_right_turn
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right turns are off
  • Loading branch information
pro100kot authored Feb 24, 2021
2 parents 7b05e71 + aa53d12 commit 6de7eb0
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import math

import numpy

import rospy
from duckietown_msgs.msg import AprilTagsWithInfos, FSMState, TurnIDandType
from std_msgs.msg import Int16 # Imports msg

class RandomAprilTagTurnsNode:
def __init__(self):
# Save the name of the node
self.node_name = rospy.get_name()
self.turn_type = -1

rospy.loginfo(f"[{self.node_name}] Initializing.")

# Setup publishers
# self.pub_topic_a = rospy.Publisher("~topic_a",String, queue_size=1)
self.pub_turn_type = rospy.Publisher("~turn_type", Int16, queue_size=1, latch=True)
self.pub_id_and_type = rospy.Publisher("~turn_id_and_type", TurnIDandType, queue_size=1, latch=True)

# Setup subscribers
# self.sub_topic_b = rospy.Subscriber("~topic_b", String, self.cbTopic)
self.sub_topic_mode = rospy.Subscriber("~mode", FSMState, self.cbMode, queue_size=1)
# self.fsm_mode = None #TODO what is this?
self.sub_topic_tag = rospy.Subscriber("~tag", AprilTagsWithInfos, self.cbTag, queue_size=1)

# Read parameters
self.pub_timestep = self.setupParameter("~pub_timestep", 1.0)
# Create a timer that calls the cbTimer function every 1.0 second
# self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(self.pub_timestep),self.cbTimer)

rospy.loginfo(f"[{self.node_name}] Initialzed.")

self.rate = rospy.Rate(30) # 10hz

def cbMode(self, mode_msg):
# print mode_msg
self.fsm_mode = mode_msg.state
if self.fsm_mode != mode_msg.INTERSECTION_CONTROL:
self.turn_type = -1
# rospy.loginfo("Turn type now: %i" %(self.turn_type))

def cbTag(self, tag_msgs):
if (
self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_CONTROL"
or self.fsm_mode == "INTERSECTION_PLANNING"
# loop through list of april tags

# filter out the nearest apriltag
dis_min = 999
idx_min = -1
for idx, taginfo in enumerate(tag_msgs.infos):
if taginfo.tag_type == taginfo.SIGN:
tag_det = (tag_msgs.detections)[idx]
pos = tag_det.transform.translation
distance = math.sqrt(pos.x ** 2 + pos.y ** 2 + pos.z ** 2)
if distance < dis_min:
dis_min = distance
idx_min = idx

if idx_min != -1:
taginfo = (tag_msgs.infos)[idx_min]

availableTurns = []
# go through possible intersection types
signType = taginfo.traffic_sign_type
if signType == taginfo.NO_RIGHT_TURN or signType == taginfo.LEFT_T_INTERSECT:
availableTurns = [
] # these mystical numbers correspond to the array ordering in open_loop_intersection_control_node (very bad)
elif signType == taginfo.NO_LEFT_TURN or signType == taginfo.RIGHT_T_INTERSECT:
availableTurns = [1, 2]
elif signType == taginfo.FOUR_WAY:
availableTurns = [0, 1, 2]
elif signType == taginfo.T_INTERSECTION:
availableTurns = [0, 2]
rospy.loginfo(f"[{self.node_name}] reports Available turns are: [{availableTurns}]")
# now randomly choose a possible direction
if len(availableTurns) > 0:
# 3501: turn off right turns
# randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))
# chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
while True:
randomIndex = numpy.random.randint(len(availableTurns))
chosenTurn = availableTurns[randomIndex]
rospy.loginfo("Turn type now: %i" %(chosenTurn))
if chosenTurn != 2:
# end of fix

self.turn_type = chosenTurn

id_and_type_msg = TurnIDandType()
id_and_type_msg.tag_id =
id_and_type_msg.turn_type = self.turn_type

# rospy.loginfo("possible turns %s." %(availableTurns))
# rospy.loginfo("Turn type now: %i" %(self.turn_type))

def setupParameter(self, param_name, default_value):
value = rospy.get_param(param_name, default_value)
rospy.set_param(param_name, value) # Write to parameter server for transparancy
# rospy.loginfo("[%s] %s = %s " %(self.node_name,param_name,value))
return value

def on_shutdown(self):
rospy.loginfo(f"[{self.node_name}] Shutting down.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Initialize the node with rospy
rospy.init_node("random_april_tag_turns_node", anonymous=False)

# Create the NodeName object
node = RandomAprilTagTurnsNode()

# Setup proper shutdown behavior
# Keep it spinning to keep the node alive

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