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A collection of Yazi's Plugins, flavours and more resources.


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A curated list of amazing plugins, flavors and themes of Yazi.

Yazi (means "duck") is a ⚡️ Blazing Fast Terminal file manager, written in Rust, based on non-blocking async I/O. It aims to provide an efficient, user-friendly, and customizable file management experience.

Each plugin info contains the installation instruction preferably using ya pack . Check out Tips for some useful plugins and configurations as well.





audio-preview.yazi - Preview soundfiles as a spectrogram using sox.
ya pack -a gesellkammer/audio-preview
epub.yazi - Plugin for Yazi to preview epub file.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/epub.yazi
exifaudio.yazi - Preview audio metadata and cover using exiftool.
ya pack -a Sonico98/exifaudio
eza-preview.yazi - Preview directories using eza.
ya pack -a ahkohd/eza-preview

Note: The original repo is currently unmaintained and does not work for Yazi v>=0.3.3.

glow.yazi - Preview markdown files using glow.
ya pack -a Reledia/glow
hexyl.yazi - Using hexyl as the fallback previewer for files.
ya pack -a Reledia/hexyl
lsar.yazi - Previewing archive contents with lsar.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:lsar
mdcat.yazi - Preview markdown files using mdcat.
ya pack -a GrzegorzKozub/mdcat
mediainfo.yazi - Preview image, audio, video, subtitle and many more media types using `ffmpeg` and `mediainfo`.
ya pack -a boydaihungst/mediainfo

Note: Ape/mediainfo.yazi is archived and not maintained anymore.

miller.yazi - Preview CSV files (and other supported formats) using miller.
ya pack -a Reledia/miller
nbpreview.yazi - Preview jupyter notebooks (\*.ipynb) files using nbpreview.
ya pack -a AnirudhG07/nbpreview
office.yazi - Office documents previewer plugin for Yazi, using libreoffice (compatible with .docx, .xlsx, .pptx, .odt, .ods, .odp; and other file formats supported by the Office Open XML and OpenDocument standards).
ya pack -a macydnah/office
ouch.yazi - An archive previewer plugin for Yazi, using ouch.
ya pack -a ndtoan96/ouch
rich-preview.yazi - Preview Markdown, JSON, CSV, etc. using rich-cli.
ya pack -a AnirudhG07/rich-preview
torrent-preview.yazi - Preview "\*.torrent" files using transmission-cli.
ya pack -a kirasok/torrent-preview
yuv.yazi - Preview YCbCr 4:2:0 "\*.yuv" files using ffmpeg.
ya pack -a figgis/yuv


bunny.yazi - Simple bookmarks plugin for yazi with fuzzy search and directory marking.
ya pack -a stelcodes/bunny
cdhist.yazi - A plugin for [cdhist]( to fuzzy select and navigate within Yazi from your directory history.
ya pack -a bulletmark/cdhist
easyjump.yazi - Jump to files with a press of one or two keys for Yazi.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/easyjump.yazi

# Windows, with Powershell

if (!(Test-Path $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\)) {mkdir $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\}
git clone $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\easyjump.yazi
fg.yazi - A Yazi plugin that supports file searching with an fzf preview.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/fg.yazi
first-non-directory.yazi - Allows easy jumping to the first file ignoring directories.
ya pack -a lpanebr/yazi-plugins:first-non-directory
fg.yazi - a Yazi plugin that integrates `fzf` with `bat` preview for `rg` search and `rga` preview for `rga` search.
ya pack -a lpnh/fr
goto-drives.yazi - A plugin for yazi to cd to the available windows drives from an fzf menu.
ya pack -a 'Tyarel8/goto-drives'
jump-to-char.yazi - Vim-like `f`, jump to the next file whose name starts with ``.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:jump-to-char
relative-motions.yazi - A Yazi plugin based on vim motions.
ya pack -a dedukun/relative-motions
searchjump.yazi - A Yazi plugin similar to flash.nvim in Neovim, using a search string to generate labels for jumping to. Supports searching by chinese pinyin or regular expressions.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/searchjump.yazi

# Windows, with Powershell

if (!(Test-Path $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\)) {mkdir $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\}
git clone $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\searchjump.yazi
time-travel.yazi - Browse forwards and backwards in time via BTRFS / ZFS snapshots.
ya pack -a iynaix/time-travel


DreamMaoMao/bookmarks.yazi - A Yazi plugin that Supports persistent bookmark management.No bookmarks are lost after you close yazi.
# Linux/macOS
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/bookmarks.yazi

# Windows

git clone $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\bookmarks.yazi
dedukun/bookmarks.yazi - A Yazi plugin that adds the basic functionality of Vi-like marks.
ya pack -a dedukun/bookmarks
projects.yazi - A Yazi plugin that adds the functionality to save and load projects.
ya pack -a MasouShizuka/projects
yamb.yazi - Yet another bookmarks plugin. It supports persistence, jumping by a key, and jumping by fzf.
ya pack -a h-hg/yamb

File Actions

archivemount.yazi - Mounting and unmounting archives in yazi using archivemount.
ya pack -a AnirudhG07/archivemount
compress.yazi - Compress selected or hovered files and directories to an archive. It currently supports various archive formats.
ya pack -a KKV9/archive

It was previously named archive.yazi.

chmod.yazi - Execute `chmod` on the selected files to change their mode.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:chmod
convert.yazi - Convert between image formats using `magick`.
ya pack -a atareao/convert
diff.yazi - Diff the selected file with the hovered file, create a living patch, and copy it to the clipboard.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:diff
file-actions.yazi - A Yazi plugin that allows users to perform actions on selected files using custom scripts.
ya pack -a BBOOXX/file-actions
fuse-archive.yazi - Transparently mount and unmount archives in read-only mode while navigating in Yazi.
ya pack -a dawsers/fuse-archive
yazi-rs/mount.yazi - A mount manager for Yazi, providing disk mount, unmount, and eject functionality.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:mount
SL-RU/mount.yazi - User interface for convinient mounting volumes using udisks2. You need to install mmtui binary first, check repository for additional information.
# Requirements: mmtui, udisks2, yazi >= 0.4
ya pack -a SL-RU/mount
ouch.yazi - An ouch plugin for Yazi, supporting preview and compression.
ya pack -a ndtoan96/ouch
reflink.yazi - Create reflinks to files.
ya pack -a Ape/reflink
restore.yazi - Undo/Recover trashed files/folders in Linux/MacOS.
# Requirements: trash-cli, yazi >= 0.4
ya pack -a boydaihungst/restore
rsync.yazi - Simple rsyncing locally and remotely.
ya pack -a GianniBYoung/rsync
simple-mtpfs.yazi - Mounting MTP devices (Android, Camera, etc) in Linux.
# Requirements: simple-mtpfs, yazi >= 0.4
ya pack -a boydaihungst/simple-mtpfs
thunar-bulk-rename.yazi - Bulk rename using thunar -B in Linux.
# Requirements: thunar file manager
ya pack -a boydaihungst/thunar-bulk-rename
what-size.yazi - Calculate the total size of the current selection or of the current working directory.
ya pack -a pirafrank/what-size
whide.yazi - Hide/unhide files in Windows.
ya pack -a Tyarel8/whide

Filter Enhancements

smart-filter.yazi - Makes filters smarter: continuous filtering, automatically enter unique directory, open file on submitting.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:smart-filter

Enter Enhancements

bypass.yazi - Yazi plugin for skipping directories with only a single sub-directory.
ya pack -a Rolv-Apneseth/bypass
fast-enter.yazi - Auto-decompress archives and enter them, or enter the deepest directory until it's not the only subdirectory.
ya pack -a ourongxing/fast-enter

General Command Enhancements

augment-command.yazi - Enhances a few Yazi commands with better handling of the choice between selected items and the hovered item. It also auto-extracts archives and includes features like bidirectional skipping of directories with a single sub-directory, along with plugins from the tips page such as `smart-enter`, `smart-paste`, `parent-arrow`, and more.
ya pack -a hankertrix/augment-command
close-and-restore-tab.yazi - A Yazi plugin that adds the functionality to close and restore tab.
ya pack -a MasouShizuka/close-and-restore-tab
copy-file-contents.yazi - A simple plugin to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard directly from yazi.
ya pack -a AnirudhG07/plugins-yazi:copy-file-contents
sudo.yazi - Call `sudo` in yazi.
ya pack -a TD-Sky/sudo
system-clipboard.yazi - Cross-platform system clipboard support for yazi.
ya pack -a orhnk/system-clipboard
win-clipboard.yazi - Yazi plugin for copy file to clipboard,support linux and windows.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/clipboard.yazi

# Windows
git clone $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\clipboard.yazi
wl-clipboard.yazi - Wayland implementation of a simple system clipboard for yazi file manager.
ya pack -a grappas/wl-clipboard

UI enhancements

auto-layout.yazi - Automatically change number of columns based on available width.
ya pack -a josephschmitt/auto-layout
current-size.yazi - Get current path size in header bar for yazi plugin/
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/current-size.yazi
dual-pane.yazi - Dual pane navigation like Total Commander.
ya pack -a dawsers/dual-pane
file-extra-metadata.yazi - Replaces the default file previewer plugin with extra information. Mimics Midnight Commander's file info for Linux.
ya pack -a boydaihungst/file-extra-metadata
full-border.yazi - Add a full border to Yazi to make it look fancier.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:full-border
mactag.yazi - Bring macOS's awesome tagging feature to Yazi! The plugin it's only available for macOS just like the name says.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:mactag
no-status.yazi - Remove the status bar.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:no-status

Check out no-header.yazi in this discussion.

omp.yazi - oh-my-posh prompt plugin for Yazi.
ya pack -a saumyajyoti/omp
open-with-cmd.yazi - Open files using a prompted command.
ya pack -a Ape/open-with-cmd
pref-by-location.yazi - Save/Load linemode, sort, show_hidden preferences based on location/folder. Replace [Folder-specific rules](
ya pack -a boydaihungst/pref-by-location
simple-tag.yazi - Bring tagging feature for linux/windows/macos! The plugin isn't use mactag.
ya pack -a boydaihungst/simple-tag
simple-status.yazi - Minimalistic status line with useful file attribute information.
ya pack -a Ape/simple-status
starship.yazi - Starship prompt plugin for Yazi.
ya pack -a Rolv-Apneseth/starship
toggle-pane.yazi - Toggle the show, hide, and maximize states for different panes: parent, current, and preview.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:toggle-pane
toggle-view.yazi - Toggle on/off parent, current, or preview independently.
ya pack -a dawsers/toggle-view
yatline-symlink.yazi - Shows a symlink's target in your header or status line.
ya pack -a lpanebr/yazi-plugins:yatline-symlink
yatline.yazi - Plugin for customizing both header-line and status-line.
ya pack -a imsi32/yatline
yaziline.yazi - Simple lualine-like status line.
ya pack -a llanosrocas/yaziline

Git Utils

DreamMaoMao/git.yazi - git extension and message prompt plugin for Yazi.
# For Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/git.yazi

# For Windows
git clone $env:APPDATA\yazi\config\plugins\git.yazi
yazi-rs/git.yazi - Show the status of Git file changes as linemode in the file list.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:git
githead.yazi - git status header inspired by powerlevel10k.
ya pack -a llanosrocas/githead
lazygit.yazi - Manage Git directories with lazygit through a quick shortcut.
ya pack -a Lil-Dank/lazygit
vcs-files.yazi - Show Git file changes in Yazi.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:vcs-files
path-from-root.yazi - Copy file path relative to Git root.
ya pack -a aresler/path-from-root

Preloader Images

allmytoes.yazi - Preview freedesktop-compatible thumbnails using allmytoes.
ya pack -a Sonico98/allmytoes


DreamMaoMao/mime-ext.yazi - A Yazi plugin that quickly get mimetype to improved theme rendering speed.
# Linux/macOS
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/mime-ext.yazi

# Windows

git clone %AppData%\yazi\config\plugins\mime-ext.yazi
yazi-rs/mime-ext.yazi - A common file type MIME-type library specifically designed for Yazi.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/plugins:mime-ext
mime-preview.yazi - Enables the preview folder on the right pane of yazi to render theme colors. very quickly with almost no performance loss.
# Linux
git clone ~/.config/yazi/plugins/mime-preview.yazi

Text Editor

fm-nvim - Neovim plugin that lets you use your favorite terminal file managers.
# packer.nvim
use {'is0n/fm-nvim'}
mikavilpas/yazi.nvim - A fork of DreamMaoMao/yazi.nvim with a bunch of additional features.

Check the repository for more information.

tfm.nvim - Neovim plugin for terminal file manager integration.
-- Using lazy.nvim
    config = function()
        -- Set keymap so you can open the default terminal file manager (yazi)
        vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>e", "", {
            noremap = true,
            callback = require("tfm").open,
-- For more information, check the repository.
yazelix - Zellij, Yazi and nushell adding a File Tree to Helix & helix-friendly keybindigs for zellij.

Check the repository for more information.

yazi.vim - Vim plugin for Yazi.
Plug 'chriszarate/yazi.vim'
zide - Group of configuration files and scripts to create an IDE-like experience in zellij.
# Check the repository itself for more information.

Shell Plugins

command.yazi - Display a prompt for executing yazi commands.
ya pack -a KKV9/command
custom-shell.yazi - Set your custom-shell as your default yazi Shell.
ya pack -a AnirudhG07/custom-shell - Display an indicator in your prompt when running inside a yazi subshell.
ya pack -a Sonico98/yazi-prompt


icons-brew.yazi - Make a hot `theme.toml` for your Yazi icons with your favorite color palette.
ya pack -a lpnh/icons-brew


catppuccin-frappe.yazi - Add flavor to yazi with Catppuccin Frappe theme.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/flavors:catppuccin-mocha
catppuccin-latte.yazi - Add flavor to yazi with Catppuccin Latte theme.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/flavors:catppuccin-latte
catppuccin-macchiato.yazi - Add flavor to yazi with Catppuccin Macchiato theme.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/flavors:catppuccin-macchiato
catppuccin-mocha.yazi - Add flavor to yazi with Catppuccin Mocha theme.
ya pack -a yazi-rs/flavors:catppuccin-mocha
kanagawa.yazi - Kanagawa flavors for Yazi.
ya pack -a dangooddd/kanagawa
onedark.yazi - One Dark flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a BennyOe/onedark
tokyonight-day.yazi - TokyoNight Day flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a kalidyasin/yazi-flavors:tokyonight-day
tokyonight-moon.yazi - TokyoNight Moon flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a kalidyasin/yazi-flavors:tokyonight-moon
tokyonight-night.yazi - TokyoNight Night flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a kalidyasin/yazi-flavors:tokyonight-night
tokyonight-storm.yazi - TokyoNight Storm flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a kalidyasin/yazi-flavors:tokyonight-storm
BennyOe/tokyo-night.yazi - Tokyo Night flavor for Yazi.
ya pack -a BennyOe/tokyo-night
vscode.yazi - VSCode theme for Yazi.
# See detailed info in the repository.
git clone ~/.config/yazi/flavors/vscode.yazi


Catppuccin - Capuccino-inspired theme for Yazi.
Manual Installation Required.
Crystal - Crystal theme for Yazi.
Manual Installation Required.
Gruvbox Dark - Gruvbox Dark theme for Yazi.
Manual Installation Required.
Flexoki - Flexoki theme for Yazi.
Manual Installation Required.
LS_COLORS - Adds over 300 different colors for filetypes (converted from the LS_COLORS collection using lsColorsToToml)
Manual Installation Required.
Rosé Pine - Rosé Pine theme for Yazi.
Manual Installation Required.


Check Out More

Check out the checkout_more section for more cool stuff and plugins. If you want to add something cool you made, which is not a plugin, flavor or theme, you can definitely add it to the checkout_more section for others to see.


A collection of Yazi's Plugins, flavours and more resources.



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