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React Native Vkontakte login

This module is a wrapper around native VK SDKs for Android and iOS.

It allows to log in to VK and obtain access token, which you can later use to make VK API calls.

Version 0.1.17 is for react-native 0.47 and newer
Version 0.1.16 supports react-native from 0.41 up to 0.46. If you need to support older version, see commits history.


npm install --save react-native-vkontakte-login

First, configure your app.

For iOS, you will need to fill in App Bundle for iOS field.

For Android, you will need to fill in Package name for Android, Main Activity for Android, Signing certificate fingerprint for Android fields. To obtain the fingerprint, you can follow the guide from VK Android SDK documentation.

vk settings


  1. Run react-native link

    Alternatuvely, install it manually:

    // file: android/settings.gradle
    include ':react-native-vkontakte-login'
    project(':react-native-vkontakte-login').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-vkontakte-login/android')
    // file: android/app/build.gradle
    dependencies {
        compile project(':react-native-vkontakte-login')
    // file: android/app/src/main/java/<...>/
    import camp.kuznetsov.rn.vkontakte.VKAuthPackage; //<---- import package
    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
      protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new VKAuthPackage()//<---- Add package
  2. In your AndroidManifest.xml, add following line inside <application> element:

    <activity android:name="com.vk.sdk.VKServiceActivity" android:label="ServiceActivity" android:theme="@style/VK.Transparent" />
  3. (Optional) Add VK Application ID to resources (main/res/values/strings.xml) so the module will initialize with it at startup:

    <integer name="com_vk_sdk_AppId">VK_APP_ID</integer>

    (In this example, VK_APP_ID should be replaced with 5514471) If you do so, you won't need to call VKLogin.initialize(vkAppId) from your JS code.


  1. This module requires CocoaPods to be used in iOS project. To add CocoaPods to your React Native project, follow steps 2 throught 7 of this tutorial. Add this line

    pod 'react-native-vkontakte-login', :path => '../node_modules/react-native-vkontakte-login'

    to your Podfile (you may need to adjust path if you have non-standard project structure). Don't forget to fix linker errors by adding $(inherited) to Other Linker Flags in Build Settings:

    xcode url type
  2. Add following fragment to your info.plist:

  3. To use authorization via VK App you need to setup a url-schema of your application. Open your application settings then select the Info tab. In the URL Types section click the plus sign. Enter vk+APP_ID (e.g. vk5514471) to the Identifier and URL Schemes fields.

    xcode url type

    Alternatively, you can add following to your info.plist (of course, you should replace 5514471 with your VK Application ID):

  4. In your AppDelegate.m, you need to import VK SDK: #import "VKSdk.h" and then add following code (both methods are required):

    //iOS 9 workflow
    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)options {
       [VKSdk processOpenURL:url fromApplication:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey]];
       return YES;
    //iOS 8 and lower
    -(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
       [VKSdk processOpenURL:url fromApplication:sourceApplication];
       return YES;
  5. (Optional) You can add your VK Application ID to info.plist so the module will initialize with it at startup:


    If you do so, you won't need to call VKLogin.initialize(vkAppId) from your JS code.

Installation without CocoaPods

  1. Install vk-ios-sdk. Download sdk from Add VK-ios-sdk.xcodeproj as sub-project to your project. Open your project in Xcode -> Go to General tab -> Find the Embedded Binaries section -> Click Add items (plus sign) -> And select VKSdkFramework.framework from the VK-ios-sdk project
  2. Create new group called react-native-vkontakte-login under Libraries in Project navigator panel
  3. Open Finder an go to your-project/node_modules/react-native-vkontakte-login
  4. Drop folder ios from Finder to created group. Be sure what Copy items if needed unchecked and Create groups is checked
  5. Open all 4 files and replace #import "VKSdk.h" with #import <VKSdkFramework/VKSdkFramework.h>
  6. Add path to React Native image library to Header Search Paths
  7. Follow steps 2-5 of installation guide with cocoapods (set up application query and url schemas, update AppDelegate...)

Header Search Paths


Import module in your JS code

import VKLogin from 'react-native-vkontakte-login';

It has following methods:

  1. VKLogin.initialize(vkAppId) - initializes VK SDK with numeric id of your VK application. You only need to call this once before you call login or logout. You can skip this call if you've added your VK App ID to your Android's resources or iOS's info.plist as described in optional steps above.

  2. VKLogin.login(scopesArray) - opens VK login dialog either via VK mobile app or via WebView (if app is not installed on the device). scopesArray is array which contains VK access permissions as strings. For example, VKLogin.login(['friends', 'photos', 'email']). List of available permissions can be found here This method returns a Promise, which resolves with following object:

        access_token: "2b4daf9a8478da9b6d95b5a4f5515534846a73d5a75ada076cb15abe829df599c04e53e2c7111dacbaf55"
        email: "[email protected]", //or null if no permission was given
        https_required: false, //Android only: If user sets "Always use HTTPS" setting in his profile, it will be true
        secret: null, //User secret to sign requests (if nohttps used)
        user_id: "12345678", //vk user id
        expires_in: 0 //Time when token expires

    If the user is already logged in and has all the requested permissions, then the promise is resolved straight away, without VK dialog.

  3. VKLogin.logout() - performs the logout. Returns a promise.

  4. VKLogin.isLoggedIn() - This method returns a Promise, which resolves with boolean value

  5. VKLogin.share(shareConfig) - opens VK share dialog either via VK mobile app or via WebView (if app is not installed on the device). Make sure to have correct permissions! Receive shareConfig object with following structure:

  linkText: 'Link visible text',
  linkUrl: 'https://your.shared.url',
  description: 'Some description',
  image: require('path/to/your/image.png'), // optional

Returns a Promise, which resolves with postId.


You can find it here


Feel free to submit pull requests


React native wrapper around VK iOS/Adnroid SDK







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