Simple library to format wei values to humanly readeable string values, great for logs:
raw value (DAI): 3647185179987473289582102320
3,647,185,179.987473289582102320 DAI
3,647,185,179.98747 DAI
3.647185179987473289582102320_e27 DAI
3.64718_e27 DAI
3,647,185,179,987,473,289,582,102,320 DAI
3,647,185,179,987,473,289,582,102,320 (28) DAI
3647185179987473289582102320 (28) DAI
raw value (USDC): 22172038791635991
22,172,038,791.635991 USDC
22,172,038,791.63 USDC
2.2172038791635991_e16 USDC
2.21720_e16 USDC
22,172,038,791,635,991 USDC
22,172,038,791,635,991 (17) USDC
22172038791635991 (17) USDC
import "../src/WeiFormatterLib.sol";
import "../lib/forge-std/src/console.sol"; //could be another one
contract MyContract {
using WeiFormatterLib for uint256;
function foo() public {
IERC20 token;
uint256 value;
uint256 precision;
console.log(value.toTokenDecimalStr(value, token.decimals(), precision));
console.log(value.toScientificStr(value, precision));
You can configure token decimals (IERC20.decimals()
) and desired precision for the fractional part
function toTokenDecimalStr(uint256 valueInWei, uint256 tokenDecimals, uint256 precision) public pure returns (string memory)
function toTokenDecimalStr(uint256 valueInWei, uint256 tokenDecimals) external pure returns (string memory)
function toScientificStr(uint256 valueInWei, uint256 precision) public pure returns (string memory)
function toScientificStr(uint256 valueInWei) external pure returns (string memory)
function addCommaDelimiter(uint256 value) external pure returns (string memory)
function addDelimiterAndCount(uint256 value) external pure returns (string memory)
function addCount(uint256 value) external pure returns (string memory)