Get information about the Windows 10 system to perform a DFIR analysis.
On systems with a restricted script execution policy, run:
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\DFIR-Collect-W10.ps1
This script needs at least PowerShell 2.0 (Windows 10)
- Based on: Sajeev Nair "Live Response Using PowerShell", SANS Institute 2013.
- Updated to out own needs.
Under the GPL license.
(c) 2019-2020, INCIDE Digital Data S.L. ([email protected])
Some modules need RawCopy.exe or the SleuthKit suite. Unzip them in the same directory than this script.
- Machine and Operating system information.
- User accounts and current login information.
- Network configuration and connectivity information.
- Anti-Virus application status and related logs.
- Startup applications.
- Running process related information.
- Running services related information.
- Drivers installed and running.
- DLLs created.
- Open files.
- Open shares.
- Mapped drives.
- Scheduled jobs.
- Active network connections and related process.
- Hotfixes applied.
- Installed applications.
- Link files created.
- Packed files.
- USB related.
- Shadow copies created.
- Prefetch files and timestamps.
- DNS cache.
- List of available logs and last write times.
- Firewall configuration.
- Audit policy.
- Temporary Internet filesand cookies.
- Typed URLs.
- Important registry keys.
- File timeline.
- Important event logs.