MS Team Autoconnect meeting!!! A Python script to automate joining Microsoft Teams meetings.
Key Features:
- Automatic meeting joiner
- Auto-mute microphone and disable camera before joining
- Configurable automatic login
Script Requirements:
- Python 3.x
- selenium and webdriver libraries
- Microsoft Teams desktop application
- Chromedriver.exe
- Used Web Elements (Xpath)
How to Use this Repo?
- Install chromedriver extension and check its version with Google Chrome browser (Should be compatible)(Starting 8 digit should be same then it only be compatible) Chrome Version 129.0.6668.58 (Browser),Chromedriver version 129.0.6668.(Chromedriver)
- create a new folder and Clone this Repo ( Command: git clone make sure after cloning your chromedriver extension should be within this folder.
- Navigate to path cd MS-Team-AutoConnect-Meeting
- Install the required python Libraries Command: pip install -r requirement.txt
- YAY! Finally you to hit the command in your CLI Terminal. Command: python
The Challenge Triggered ( To handle the default popups from MS Teams Web Application. Solutions:This piece of Code help m eout execute my Sccript well. # Extract the updated meeting link after joining updated_meeting_link = driver.current_url print(f"Extracted updated meeting link: {updated_meeting_link}")
# Open the new meeting link in a new tab
driver.execute_script("'');") # Open a new blank tab
driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[1]) # Switch to the new tab
# Load the extracted meeting link in the new tab
print(f"Opening the extracted meeting link in a new tab: {updated_meeting_link}")
Thank you for ramping on my Github project!!!Will catch you soon for Coffee!!!