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Security: ImLunaHey/ticket-genie


Security Policy

Supported Versions

Only the latest commit from the "main" branch is currently supported with security updates. Support for specific versions may be added in the future.

Reporting a Vulnerability

Users should report any issues they believe may be security vulnerabilities, as all reports will be considered. To report a vulnerability, users can either open an issue on GitHub or send you a direct message on Discord (ImLunaHey#2485). If users believe a vulnerability is severe, they may choose to stop using the bot or remove it from their server as a precautionary measure.

Protecting Yourself

While waiting for a security update, users should follow best practices for protecting their Discord account and server.

Updating the Bot

The public version of the bot is updated daily. Users can check the readme for more information on how to update their own version.

Thank you for using our Discord bot!

There aren’t any published security advisories