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Running the playbook

This playbook is designed to be idempotent. It can be run multiple times without changing the state of an already modified system. You can use this to quickly pinpoint irregularities within the system or 🤞unbreak your server🤞 if things degrade to that.

The playbook must always be run as root. It can be located under /usr/local/apnscp/resources/playbooks.

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml


Viewing changes

To view only tasks that have changed, specify actionable as your callback plugin either in ansible.cfg or ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK. It's easy from the command-line:

env ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=actionable ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml

Saving config changes

Bootstrapper will override defaults from /root/apnscp-vars.yml. Copy apnscp-vars.yml from resources/playbooks/ and make changes to that file to permanently override settings.

cd /usr/local/apnscp/resources/playbooks
cp apnscp-vars.yml /root
# Make change to /root/apnscp-vars.yml
env ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=actionable ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml

Alternatively, if installed using Bootstrapper, you'll have an option to copy this configuration over.

Recommended configuration changes

Bootstrapper can run without any changes to apnscp-vars.yml. The following changes are recommended to make setup seamless:

  • apnscp_admin_email: (email address) used to set besthe admin contact. Also notified when apnscp is installed (FQDN required). This email address is used as your Let's Encrypt admin contact.
  • ssl_hostnames: (list or string) hostnames that resolve to this server that should be considered for Let's Encrypt SSL issuance.
    • Examples:
      • ['','','']

Optional settings

  • has_low_memory: (true/false) disables auxiliary services for 2 GB instances. See low-memory mode below.
  • user_daemons: (true/false) opens up ports 40000-49999/tcp + udp on the server for accounts that want to run a service. If you're running strictly PHP/Node/Python/Ruby services, turn this off for added security.
  • mail_enabled: (true/false) if using GMail or a third-party email provider disables IMAP/POP3 + ESMTPA. Mail can still originate from the server (PHP mail()), but blocks ingress.
  • passenger_enabled: (true/false) disable building Passenger + accompanying Ruby/Python interpreters if running a purely PHP mix. Node/npm/yarn is still available, but can't serve websites.
  • mysqld_per_account_innodb: (true/false) places tables + data in an aggregate InnoDB pool for higher performance or per account for resource enforcement. An account over quota can cause a cyclic crash in MySQL/MariaDB 5.0+ on recovery. You have been warned. Ensure Argos is setup if enabled.
  • data_center_mode: (true/false) ensure all resources that apnscp can account for are accounted. Also enables the pernicious bastard mysqld_per_account_innodb!

Setting FQDN for SSL/Email

All servers should have a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). Failure to have one will cause email to fail, including the installation notice. Moreover, Let's Encrypt will fail issuance. A FQDN must at least contain 1 dot:

  • ✅
  • ✅
  • ✅
  • ❌ centos-s-1vcpu-2gb-nyc1-01 (no period/dot)

Set your hostname with,

hostnamectl set-hostname MYHOSTNAME

Where MYHOSTNAME is your hostname for the machine. For consistency reasons, it is required that this hostname resolves to the IP address of the machine and vice-versa with FCrDNS. Check with your DNS provider to establish this relationship.

Playbook examples

The following examples cover tweaking installation from apnscp's Bootstrapper, bootstrap.yml.

A second master playbook, migration.yml, is used internally to update a server to apnscp's mainline release. These playbooks are run automatically whenever apnscp updates itself and should not be used.

Rebuild PHP for apnscp

apnscp uses a separate PHP distribution. It may be rebuilt to a specific version by passing php_version

ansible-playbook --tags=apnscp/build-php --extra-vars 'php_version=7.1.18' bootstrap.yml

Build new PHP for server

Similar to building a PHP distribution for apnscp, the primary PHP interpreter may be rebuilt. Additional configure-time flags are passed via extra_flags. The patch level may be omitted to build the best available version for that given release, e.g. "7.2" will build "7.2.9" assuming 7.2.9 is the maximal release of 7.2.

ansible-playbook --tags=php/install --extra-vars 'php_version=7.2 extra_flags="--with-recode --with-pcre-jit"' bootstrap.yml

Installing PECL modules

apnscp supports installing PECL modules from, archives, and GitHub. As with building PHP, extra_flags is a supported option to pass additional configure-time flags.

ansible-playbook --tags=php/install-pecl-module --extra-vars 'pecl_extensions="igbinary"' bootstrap.yml

A list may also be used,

ansible-playbook --tags=php/install-pecl-module --extra-vars 'pecl_extensions=["mailparse","",""]' bootstrap.yml

apnscp will attempt to install the module if it does not already exist. To overwrite or update a module, supply force=1 to --extra-vars:

ansible-playbook --tags=php/install-pecl-module --extra-vars 'pecl_extensions=' --extra-vars 'force=1' bootstrap.yml 

Updating fail2ban whitelist

apnscp will whitelist the connected IP address when initially provisioned. If your IP address changes, run fail2ban/whitelist-self to whitelist the presently connected SSH IP address. Further, if you accidentally block yourself with repeated invalid logins and apnscp is run behind a reverse proxy, it is possible to unblock yourself within the control panel by opening a JavaScript console as admin and running apnscp.cmd("rampart_unban","your-ip-address", {async: false});. rampart_unban is the low-level API command; it is also accessible from Beacon.

ansible-playbook --tags=fail2ban/whitelist-self bootstrap.yml

Toggling headless mode

apnscp can run in headless mode, that is to say without a front-end UI. This can further save on memory requirements and keep your site secure.

ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml  --tags=network/setup-firewall,apnscp/bootstrap --extra-vars="panel_headless=true"

You'll be limited to using the CLI helpers - cpcmd, AddDomain, EditDomain, DeleteDomain in headless mode. Fear not though! Anything that can be done through the panel can be done from CLI as the API is 100% reflected.

Low-memory mode

Low-memory mode scrubs non-essential services. It combines headless mode with a single job worker (disables Laravel Horizon) and removes vscanner, which is a combination of mod_security + ClamAV to scrub uploads. This frees up ~700 MB of memory, perfect for smaller 2 GB instances.

env ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK=actionable ansible-playbook bootstrap.yml  --extra-vars='has_low_memory=true' --extra-vars='panel_headless=true'

Running tasks within apnscp

Bootstrapper provides an interface to run these tasks within apnscp. Change digests are sent to the control panel owner (cpcmd common_set_email [email protected]).

Bootstrapper::run(...tasks, array args)

Example: open up port 3000 in the firewall,

Opcenter\Admin\Bootstrapper::run('network/setup-firewall', ['rules' => [['port' => '3000/tcp', 'state' => 'disabled']]]);

Runtime configuration may be updated using Opcenter\Admin\Bootstrapper\Config,

$config = new Opcenter\Admin\Bootstrapper\Config();
$config['panel_headless'] = true;
Opcenter\Admin\Bootstrapper::run('apnscp/bootstrap', 'network/setup-firewall', 'software/argos');

Variables are set in /root/apnscp-vars-runtime.yml, which takes precedence over /root/apnscp-vars.yml.


apnscp Playbooks are released under the MIT License. Feel free to use and contribute.

Further resources


Playbooks for automation of ApisCP platforms







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  • Shell 88.3%
  • Python 11.7%