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Resume :

This is a graph ploter program written in C and fully compatible with C++ (tested with gcc and g++)
Which can draw a graph from datas stored in a single or multiple input files dynamically.

Setup :

to plot a file, you just need to specify the file path *after* the '-istream' command line option when starting the program
for example : ploter.exe-istream "filePath.txt"
then to plot many files, just some -istream commands followed by the file path
example : ploter.exe -istream path1.txt -istream path2.txt ...

Options :

The ploter has many options that affect the graph displaying : 
     "-istream" : specify an input file path
     "-grid" : draw a grid to the graph background, this is selected by default
     "-full" : open the window graph in full screen mode (exit with Escape key)
     "-axis" : draw a vertical and a horizontal axis to the graph background, this is selected by default
     "-info" : display informations (in th shell) of the differents specified files (max value, min value, size, scale, ...)
     "-animation" : display the differents graph as an animation 

     "-no-axis" : disable axis displaying option
     "-no-grid" : disable grid displaying option

Running :

when you finished specifying the differents files and options and start the program, these are occuring :
    - the program start for each command (default commands such as "-grid" and "-axis" and users commands) initialize a struct that facilitate the command treatment (separing the first character, the command string and a pointer to the whole command)
    - Then it creates a linked list and add in all the specified initialized struct.  
    - It analyse all the List and treat all the non specified commands (not appearing it the described Options list), and for recognized commands, it enable or disable each specific.
    - Then if there is one or mulptiples valid files in the commands, the program search the max value of each file generate a scale then all the graph should be corrected ploted at the screen.
    - After generating scale, the program read all the points in the streams and stores it in buffers, then from these buffers and generated scales we start drawing each graph with a randomly generated color, either animated or not, according to the commands options.
    note :: default commands treatment occurs before users commands.

Notes :

[Librairies] : OpenGl for drawing methods | GLUT API for window and loading opengl context.
[Examples] : a executable windows file is provided with 03 graph datas.
[Important] : this ploter only support positives or nuls values.
              in an input file, only one point should appear on each line, x value separed to y by a space ' '.
              graphs are ploted in the order of the transmission of commands

Features :

- manage negatives datas
- add a legend so we could see which file is ploted with with color
- add a mouse with interaction
- add a for navigating and zoom
- add a file manager which can add any other file even files are already ploted

Example :

This plot screenshot is created with "01.txt", "02.txt" and "03.txt" files specified in the bin folder in this repository using the command :
ploter.exe -istream 01.txt -istream 02.txt -istream 03.txt -grid -axis -full -info -animation