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Releases: IgorBuchelnikov/ObservableComputations


15 Sep 14:37
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  • Bug fixes
  • Ordering, ThenOrdering: Error if IComparer.Compare returns a number greater than 1 or smaller than -1
  • Aggregating: IsDefaulted is not set to true if source collection is null
  • Aggregating: Custom default value (DefaultValue property) is ignored if source collection is null


06 May 15:06
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  • New features
  • specifying a default value for the all scalar operators (reduces verbosity)
  • CollectionItemProcessing (reduces verbosity)
  • Renamed
  • CollectionProcessing -> CollectionItemsProcessing
  • Minor bug fixes


31 Mar 15:46
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  • New features
    "async" and "await" keywords support in OcDispatcher
    OcDispatcher's InvocationResult now implements IReadScalar

  • Fixed:
    — CollectionPausing
    — ScalarPausing
    — CollectionDispatching
    — OcDispatcher
    — other bug fixes

  • Renamed
    InvocationResult.Result -> InvocationResult.Value
    DebugInfo -> StaticInfo
    OcDispatcher.BeginInvoke -> OcDispatcher.InvokeAsync
    Configuration -> OcConfiguration

  • API changed
    — Binding
    — StaticInfo


10 Jan 16:02
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  • New features:
    — API for control over INotifyPropertyChanged, INotifyCollectionChanged, INotifyMethodChanged events subscription (weak event subscriptions were removed). This feature fixes a memory leak in weak event subscriptions
    — Computations in background threads, including parallel ones (CollectionDispatching, ScalarDispatching, PropertyDispatching operators)
    — Improved processing of overlapping changes (they are deferred instead of the exception throwing)
    — Paging, CollectionDisposing, ScalarDisposing operators

  • .NET Core version is upgraded to 2.1

  • API changes:
    — ObservableComputations.ExtentionMethods namespace is renamed to ObservableComputations
    — ItemsProcessing operator is renamed to CollectionProcessing and API changed
    — ValuesProcessing operator is renamed to ScalarProcessing and API changed
    — ValuesProcessing operator is renamed to ScalarProcessing and API changed
    — Property names of computation result change request handlers is renamed to RequestHandler
    — Property names of computation result change request handlers is renamed to RequestHandler
    — Hashing is renamed to HashSetting
    — Other minor API changes

  • Many minor bug fixes


10 Sep 09:01
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