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πŸ›€πŸš‚ Our preferred list of commonly used Ruby gems, tools & services we like to use for our Rails platforms.

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πŸ›€πŸš‚ Rails Stack

Our preferred list of commonly used Ruby gems, tools & services we like to use for our Rails platforms.

πŸ’Ž Gems, Libraries & Services

Pricing below are for a small to medium sized production application with more than 100 active users. Most external service's pricing are based on usage so will vary based on popularity of the app.


Data Storage ☁️

Name Details Pricing
PostgreSQL Our primary SQL database for record storage.
Redis Used for cache, jobs queue.
Active Storage Rails supported file record storage.
Filestack We prefer Filestack to handle all security and manage the file upload experience where uploading files is a cruitial part of the application. from $49/mo

Hosting 🌎

Name Details Pricing
Heroku Fully managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) by Salesforce. HIPAA, ISO & SOC complient hosting services. 1x standard web dyno, 1x standard worker dyno. from $50/mo
Heroku Postgres Fully managed database as a service. from $9/mo
Heroku Redis Redis as a service. from $0/mo
Heroku Scheduler Tasks that need to run at regular intravels or at a particualr time everyday. free
Sidekiq Simple & efficient background processing.
Rack Canonical Host Redirect to the primary domain for the application.
Rack::Timeout Timeout app so we can get notified before Heroku kills the request that runs over 30s.
SendGrid Transactional email delivery. from $15/mo

Application Monitoring πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ

Name Details Pricing
Cloudflare DNS service with request monitoring, DDoS protection and other security features. from $0/mo
HoneyBadger Production app monitoring, crash reporting & notifications. from $0/mo
Skylight App performance monitoring & insights to optomise for faster app response. from $20/mo
Papertrail Server logs archive and management. from $8/mo
Lograge Tame Rails' request logging.
Lograge::Sql Extension to Lograge gem for taming SQL queries.
Logstop Remove personally identifiable information (PII) out of logs.

Security πŸ”’

Name Details Pricing
Sqreen Application level security platform. from $0/mo
Rack::Attack Block and throttle abusive requests.
Devise Security Devise gem extension to add additional security features for modern web applications.
Lockbox Database fields encryption.
Blind Index Securely search encrypted database fields.
StrongPassword Password strength validation. Don't allow weak passwords.
ValidEmail2 Validate email address, prevent disposable emails and blacklist domains.

Rails Features

User Accounts & Permissions πŸ‘€

Name Details Pricing
Devise User authentication system.
OmniAuth External provider authentication. e.g. Connect with Google, Facebook, etc.
Pundit User authorization system.
Pretender Login as any user in the platform as an admin.

Records πŸ’Ώ

Name Details Pricing
FriendlyId Hide database row IDs and produce SEO friendly URLs.
PaperTrail Track changes to our records for auditing and versioning.
Paranoia Soft delete records.
AASM State machine.

Front-end Helpers πŸš‡

Name Details Pricing
HAML HTML abstraction markup language to keep the code simple and indented like Ruby.
SASS Rails built-in support for CSS with superpowers.
Pagy Pagination.
Simple Form Form components & styling.
High Voltage Static pages.
MetaTags Page titles, descriptions and meta tags for SEO.
SitemapGenerator Generate sitemaps for search engines.
Gon Pass data as variables from backend to Javascript.
Hotwire: Turbo Speed of single-page web application.
Hotwire: Stimulus Modest JavaScript framework for HTML.


Platform Administration πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό

Name Details Pricing
Option 1: Forst Admin Admin panel as a service. from $0/mo
Option 2: Active Admin & Addons Admin panel as part of the Rails app.

Code Quality πŸ‘Ύ

Name Details Pricing
Rubocop Ruby static code analyzer and code formatter. Install auto-correct plugin in your code editor.
Deep Source Automated code review & static code analysis. Setup Rubycop, Breakman and other code review plugins for each PR. from $0/mo
Strong Migrations Catch unsafe migrations in development.
Bullet Improve app performance by reducing the number of queries it makes.

Automated Testing πŸ§ͺ

Name Details Pricing
RSpec Testing framework.
factory_bot Define model patters and strategies for testing.
Faker Mock test data.
Shoulda Matchers One-liner common Rails functionality tests helper.
Capybara User acceptance testing by simulating how real users would interact with our app.
GitHub Actions Continuous Integration (CI) setup for each PR. 3,000 mins/mo included with GitHub subscription.

Development Tools πŸ› 

Name Details Pricing
GitHub Teams Codebase, version control & developer hub. $4 per user/mo
Better Errors Better and more useful error pages.
Awesome Print Pretty print logs and indentation.
Annotate Add summarizing schema as comments for quick reference at the top of files.
Letter Opener Open and view emails in the browser in development.


πŸ›€πŸš‚ Our preferred list of commonly used Ruby gems, tools & services we like to use for our Rails platforms.




