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Open Source Software and Strategy

Jared Briskman, Serena Chen, Anne Ku, Ian Paul (Olin College)

Under the direction of Jason Woodard (Olin College) and Jonathan Sims (Babson College).

This repo houses two separate, but related research projects:

  • Analyzing a list of machine learning projects (CNTK, TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Torch7, Deeplearning4j)
  • Analyzing the differences between Cloudstack and Openstack

This repository is mostly used for data extraction and manipulation. We get our data from the GitHub API.

Tooling is written in Python 2.7, with a little bit of Mathematica 11.

Tooling is tested stable on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, if running on windows, YMMV.

Licensed under the MIT License.


Dependencies include Requests, an HTTP library for python. Installation is as simple as:

$ pip install requests

Quick (ish) Use Instructions

Step 1: Clone this repository

Navigate to the desired local location for the repository and clone via: HTTP -

$ git clone 


$ git clone [email protected]:IanOlin/github-research.git 

Step 2: Add the keyfile

Use of the software requires a keyfile, keyfile.txt, in the Scraping/ directory. This should be a plain text document, with at least one github OAuth token in it. More tokens may be added, separated by newlines.

Create a keyfile in an editor of your choice, and generate github oauth tokens with the following instructions:

Step 3: Acquire Data

Skip this step if you already have a dataset.

From the top level, run:

$ python

to generate a dataset for the ML repositories studied in the research project. Be warned, this may take several hours.

Step 4: Run metrics

From the top level, run:

$ python

in order to print all calculated metrics to STDOUT. Redirecting to a text file may be useful, and can be accomplished via:

$ python > yourpath/yourfile.txt

Usage notes

If one desires to add other repositories for analysis, extend Config/, adding another flag for the set of repositories, then running scraping and analysis with that flag.

Scraping and Metrics for Stack repositories can be acquired by passing a command line flag like so:

$ python Stack


$ python Stack