pyBrAPI is a Python package that provides convenient access to data from BrAPI servers. It simplifies interacting with BrAPI endpoints by handling REST requests and responses, and returns data typed into data models.
Download the release from this Github repository. Then install the package using pip
pip install dist/pybrapi-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
from pybrapi import BrAPI
server = BrAPI('')
response = server.get_germplasm(germplasmDbId="germplasm1")
Similar functions are provided for:
- trials
- studies
- observations
- observation units
- observation variables
Additionally for observations, users can receive the data in a pandas data frame.
df = server.get_observations_as_dataframe(observationVariableDbId="variable1")
- Simplified interface for querying BrAPI endpoints
- Typed data models for returned data
- Handles authentication and connection management
- Supports various BrAPI operations like retrieving germplasm, observations, trials, etc.
- The project is licensed under MIT License