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IPSM Dashboard

The repository contains the source code for building a Docker image for the IPSM Dashboard.

Building the image

To create a Docker image for the Dashboard invoke the following command:

docker build -t interiot/ipsm-dashboard:<version> .

where <version> should be replaced by the actual Dashboard version number, taken from the package.json.

In case you have NPM (Node Package Manager) installed on the machine it can also be used to build, tag (clean, and push) Docker image(s):

npm run docker:build

The above commands assume that Docker is available on the develpment machine, and that the user has sufficient provileges to use it (without sudo).

The resulting image will be available from the local Docker registry under the name interiot/ipsm-dashboard:n.n.n, where n.n.n represents the current IPSM Dashboard version. The list of locally available images should be similar to:

user@devel-machine:~$ docker image ls
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
interiot/ipsm-dashboard         1.1.6               2043723c555a        1 minute ago        826MB

To tag the created image as the latest version use the command:

npm run docker:tag

The image is further used for the IPSM Dashboard dockerized deployment.