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INFORMS Journal on Computing Logo

An SDP-based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Biclustering

This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

BICL-SDP is an exact algorithm, based on the branch-and-cut technique, for solving the biclustering problem through the $k$-densest-disjoint biclique criterion described in the paper "An SDP-based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Biclustering". This repository contains the C++ source code and the MATLAB scripts. Gene expression data used for the experiments can be found here.

Important: This code is being developed on an on-going basis at Please go there if you would like to get a more recent version or would like support


To cite the contents of this repository, please cite both the paper and this repo, using their respective DOIs.

Below is the BibTex for citing this snapshot of the repository.

  author =        {A. M. Sudoso},
  publisher =     {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  title =         {An SDP-based Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for Biclustering},
  year =          {2024},
  doi =           {10.1287/},
  url =           {},
  note =          {Available for download at},


BICL-SDP calls the semidefinite programming solver SDPNAL+ by using the MATLAB Engine API for C++. It requires the MATLAB engine library libMatlabEngine and the Matlab Data Array library libMatlabDataArray. BICL-SDP calls the linear programming solver Gurobi and uses Armadillo to handle matrices and linear algebra operations efficiently.

Ubuntu and Debian instructions:

  1. Install MATLAB (>= 2021b)

  2. Install Gurobi (>= 10.0.2)

  3. Install CMake, OpenBLAS, LAPACK and Armadillo:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libarmadillo-dev
  1. Open the makefile biclustering_cpp/Makefile

    • Set the variable matlab_path with your MATLAB folder.
  2. Compile the code:

cd biclustering_cpp/
  1. Download SDPNAL+, move the folder biclustering_matlab containing the MATLAB source code of BICL-SDP in the SDPNAL+ main directory and set the parameter SDP_SOLVER_FOLDER of the configuration file accordingly. This folder and its subfolders will be automatically added to the MATLAB search path when BICL-SDP starts.

This code has been tested under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with MATLAB R2021b, Gurobi 10.0.2 and Armadillo 12.6.


Various parameters used in BICL-SDP can be modified in the configuration file biclustering_cpp/config.txt:

  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_TOL - optimality tolerance of the exact algorithm
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_PARALLEL - thread pool size: single thread (1), multi-thread (> 1)
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_MAX_NODES - maximum number of nodes
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_VISITING_STRATEGY - best first (0), depth first (1), breadth first (2)
  • MATLAB_SESSION_THREADS_ROOT - number of threads for the MATLAB session at the root noee
  • MATLAB_SESSION_THREADS_CHILD - number of threads for the MATLAB session for child nodes
  • SDP_SOLVER_FOLDER - full path of SDPNAL+ folder
  • SDP_SOLVER_TOL - accuracy of SDPNAL+ in the relative KKT residual
  • SDP_SOLVER_VERBOSE - do not display log (0), display log (1)
  • CP_MAX_ITER - maximum number of cutting-plane iterations
  • CP_TOL - tolerance between two consecutive cutting-plane iterations
  • CP_MAX_INEQ - maximum number of valid inequalities to separate
  • CP_PERC_INEQ - fraction of the most violated inequalities to add
  • CP_EPS_INEQ - tolerance for checking the violation of the inequalities
  • CP_EPS_ACTIVE - tolerance for detecting active inequalities
  • GUROBI_FOLDER - Gurobi solver path
  • GUROBI_VERBOSE - do not display log (0), display log (1)

Source File Description

Folder biclustering_cpp:

  • config_params.h contains the configurable parameters found in the configuration file config.txt.
  • JobQueue.cpp and JobQueue.h provide the implementation of the queue that stores the nodes of the branch-and-bound tree.
  • main_cpp contains the routine that reads the parameters from the configuration file config.txt and executes the branch-and-cut algorithm.
  • matlab_util.cpp and matlab_util.h contain auxiliary functions that facilitate the interaction between C++ and MATLAB.
  • Node.h contains the data structures used to represent the branch-and-bound nodes.
  • sdp_branch_and_bound.cpp and sdp_branch_and_bound.h implement the overall branch-and-cut algorithm, including interfaces with the MATLAB functions biclustering_matlab/call_solve_biclustering_root.m and biclustering_matlab/call_solve_biclustering_child.m.
  • ThreadPool.cpp and ThreadPool.h implement a configurable pool of POSIX threads to perform the branch-and-bound search in parallel.
  • util.cpp and util.h contain auxiliary functions for formatting the branch-and-cut log file.

Folder biclustering_matlab:

  • add_cannot_link_Zuu.m and add_cannot_link_Zvv.m construct the constraint matrix of the problem with cannot-link constraints.
  • biclustering_heuristic.m implements the rounding algorithm using the solution of SDP relaxation.
  • build_biclustering.m and build_biclustering_shrinking.m build the SDP relaxation for the root and child nodes, respectively.
  • build_T.m builds the transformation matrix that allows reducing the size of the SDP relaxation.
  • call_solve_biclustering_root.m and call_solve_biclustering_child.m contain the function calls for the bound computation, including interfaces with the C++ functions biclustering_cpp/sdp_branch_and_bound.cpp and biclustering_cpp/sdp_branch_and_bound.h.
  • get_branching_pair.m computes the branching decision.
  • separate_inequalities.m contains the separation routine for the hypermetric inequalities.
  • separate_pair_uu.m, separate_pair_vv.m, separate_triangle_uu.m, and separate_triangle_vv.m contain the separation routines for pair and triangle inequalities for the blocks $Z_{uu}$ and $Z_{vv}$ of $Z$, respectively.
  • shrink_cuts.m adjusts the indices of the inequalities when inheriting them from the parent to a child node.
  • solve_biclustering_root.m and solve_biclustering_shrinking.m implement the SDP-based cutting-plane algorithm for the root node and the child nodes, respectively.
  • update_CL.m updates cannot-link constraints when a size reduction is performed.
  • Z_slice_Zuu.m, Z_slice_Zuu_shrinking.m, Z_slice_Zvv.m, and Z_slice_Zvv_shrinking.m add constraints to the blocks $Z_{uu}$ and $Z_{vv}$ of $Z$.


cd biclustering_cpp/
  • W_PATH - full path of the data matrix
  • K - number of biclusters
  • LOG_PATH - path of the log file
  • RESULT_PATH - path of the optimal bicluster assignment matrices

File W_PATH contains the weights w_ij and the must include an header line with the number of rows n and columns m:

n m
w_11 w_12 ... w_1m
w_21 w_22 ... w_2m
w_n1 w_n2 ... w_nm


The log file reports the progress of the algorithm:

  • N - number of rows at the current node
  • M - number of columns at the current node
  • ID_PAR - id of the parent node
  • ID - id of the current node
  • UB_PAR - upper bound of the parent node
  • UB - upper bound of the current node
  • TIME (s) - running time in seconds of the current node
  • CP_ITER - number of cutting-plane iterations
  • CP_FLAG - termination flag of the cutting-plane procedure
    • -2 - maximum number of iterations
    • -1 - SDP not solved or partially solved successfully
    • 0 - no violated inequalities
    • 1 - node must be pruned
    • 2 - upper bound greater than the previous one
    • 3 - upper bound decrease is not sufficiently large
  • CP_INEQ - number of inequalities added in the last cutting-plane iteration
  • LB - current lower bound
  • BEST_LB - global lower bound
  • SET - vertex set selection for branching
    • U - branch on the vertices in U
    • V - branch on the vertices in V
    • -1 - branching is not needed
  • I J - indices of branching decision
  • NODE_GAP - gap at the current node
  • GAP - overall gap
  • OPEN - number of open nodes


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