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Heuristic Methods for Γ -Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Bilevel Problems

This archive is distributed in association with the INFORMS Journal on Computing under the MIT License.

The software and data in this repository are a snapshot of the software and data that were used in the research reported on in the paper Heuristic Methods for Gamma-Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Bilevel Problems by Yasmine Beck, Ivana Ljubić, and Martin Schmidt.


To cite the contents of this repository, please cite both the paper and this repository, using their respective DOIs.

Below is the BibTex for citing this snapshot of the repository.

  author =        {Yasmine Beck and Ivana Ljubić and Martin Schmidt},
  publisher =     {INFORMS Journal on Computing},
  title =         {{Heuristic Methods for $\Gamma$-Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Bilevel
  year =          {2025},
  doi =           {10.1287/},
  url =           {},
  note =          {Available for download at},


This repository contains the code accompanying the paper Heuristic Methods for Gamma-Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Bilevel Problems by Yasmine Beck, Ivana Ljubić, and Martin Schmidt.


The methods are implemented in Python 3.7.11 and Gurobi 11.0.0 is used to solve all arising optimization problems. Visit Gurobi's official website for details on how to obtain a license. In addition to Gurobi, the following Python packages and modules are required:

  • argparse
  • json
  • numpy
  • os
  • subprocess
  • time

Moreover, the heuristics use the bkpsolver presented in Weninger and Fukasawa (2023). To install the bkpsolver, follow the instructions at


In the following, we elaborate on how to use the exact and heuristic approaches considered in the computational study of the paper. We distinguish between the min-max and the more general bilevel setting.

Approaches for Γ -Robust Min-Max Problems Applied to the Γ -Robust Knapsack Interdiction Problem

1. Heuristics Presented in the Paper

From the main directory, run

python3 -m src.min_max_heuristic --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

to build a Γ -robust knapsack interdiction problem and solve it heuristically by solving a linear number of knapsack interdiction problems of the nominal type.

Necessary arguments:

The file containing the nominal instance data.

Level of conservatism (in percent) must be a scalar between 0 and 1.

The .json file to write the output to.

and either

The deviations for the objective function coefficients, e.g., 1 2 1 for a problem of size 3.


Uncertainty value (in percent) must be a scalar between 0 and 1.

A detailed description of the instance data format and the uncertainty parameterization can be found in the data directory.

Optional arguments:

The solver to use for the solution of the problems of the nominal type. The default is the combinatorial approach (--solver bkp) by Weninger and Fukasawa (2023). To use the branch-and-cut approach based on Fischetti et al. (2019), specify --solver ic.

To install the bkpsolver by Weninger and Fukasawa (2023), follow the instructions at The best performance is achieved if the bkpsolver is located in the parent directory of this repository. Alternatively, you can modify the path to the solver in the __init__ section of to match its location.

Use the modified variant of the heuristic in which all bilevel sub-problems are solved first (True) or use the variant that alternates between solving bilevel and single-level problems (False). The default is False.

The time limit in seconds. The default is 3600 seconds.

2. Greedy Interdiction Heuristic

To apply a "Greedy Interdiction" heuristic in the spirit of the one presented in Algorithm 4.2 in the PhD thesis by S. DeNegre to the Γ -robust knapsack interdiction problem, run

python3 -m src.greedy_interdiction --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

from the main directory using the same arguments as specified in the necessary arguments section above.

3. Exact and Problem-Tailored Branch-and-Cut Approach

To apply the exact and problem-tailored branch-and-cut approach presented in our earlier work, follow the instructions at (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7965281).

Approaches for General Γ -Robust Bilevel Problems Applied to the Generalized Γ -Robust Knapsack Interdiction Problem

1. Heuristics Presented in the Paper

From the main directory, run

python3 -m src.general_heuristic --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

to build a generalized Γ -robust knapsack interdiction problem and solve it heuristically by solving a linear number of generalized knapsack interdiction problems of the nominal type.

Necessary arguments:

Same as for the min-max setting, see above.

Optional arguments:

Include a refinement step (True) to account for an optimistic follower or not (False). The default is True.

The time limit in seconds. The default is 3600 seconds.

2. ONE-SHOT and ITERATE Heuristics

To apply the ITERATE heuristic presented in Fischetti et al. (2018) to an instance of the generalized Γ -robust knapsack interdiction problem, run

python3 -m src.iterate_heuristic --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

from the main directory using the same arguments as specified in the necessary arguments section above. The default time limit is 3600 seconds. You can change it using the optional argument --time_limit TL, where TL is a scalar specifying the time limit in seconds.

To run the ONE-SHOT variant of the method presented in Fischetti et al. (2018), add the optional argument

--one_shot True

3. Exact and Problem-Tailored Branch-and-Cut Approach

To apply the exact and problem-tailored branch-and-cut approach outlined in the paper, run

python3 -m src.gamma_robust_extended_model --instance_file file.txt --conservatism conservatism_value --deviations deviation_values --output_file outfile.json

from the main directory using the same arguments as specified in the necessary arguments section above. The default time limit is 3600 seconds. You can change it using the optional argument --time_limit TL, where TL is a scalar specifying the time limit in seconds.

Further details on this approach can also be found in Section 3.5 of the PhD thesis by Yasmine Beck.


The results of the computational study in the paper can be replicated using the scripts and documentation provided in the scripts directory.


The figures and tables summarizing the results of the computational study in the paper are provided in figures_and_tables.pdf.