This repository contains the code for the automated deployment of elements of the INESData platform.
It is based in Kubernetes and Helm charts.
THe deployment of a working platform is divided in 3 different steps:
- Deploying the common services (POstgres Database, Minio Object Storage, Keycloak Identity Provider), which will be common to all the platform, and will be shared by all the different deployments.
- Deploying a dataspace, which in its core is nothing more than a set of configurations for the platform and common services, and a public website. This deployment will be launched for every dataspace desired in the platform.
- Deploying a connector, which is the main element that an organization will use to connect their data to the dataspace. A complete connector is composed by the main backend service and a frontend SPA web interface.
- A Kubernetes cluster.
- kubectl and helm installed locally.
The dataspace wil deployed using the Helm chart in the dataspace
- Creating a new namespace for the dataspace.
- Create a Keycloak Realm for the dataspace.
- Deploy the public web portal.
Follow the steps provided in the file deployment-guide.txt
The connector will be deployed using the Helm chart in the connector
Follow the steps provided in the file deployment-guide.txt
Este trabajo ha recibido financiación del proyecto INESData (Infraestructura para la INvestigación de ESpacios de DAtos distribuidos en UPM), un proyecto financiado en el contexto de la convocatoria UNICO I+D CLOUD del Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública en el marco del PRTR financiado por Unión Europea (NextGenerationEU)