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Log analysis and visualisation for the Image Data Resource (IDR)

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cd idr-log-analysis
mkdir -p volumes/{es,fluentd}
chown 1000 volumes/es
chown 100 volumes/fluentd
echo '<NGINX-BASIC-AUTH>' > nginx/passwd
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose logs -f

Kibana setup

  1. Connect to http://localhost:12381 and login with Nginx basic auth.
  2. In the Kibana Management go to Saved Objects and import kibana-export.json. This should import saved index patterns, visualisations and dashboards. If the visualisations are disconnected from the indices associate them as follows:
    • IDR visualisations should be associated with index pattern fluentd.nginx.access.*.
    • IDR-analysis visualisations should be associated with index pattern fluentd.haproxy.http.*.
  3. If you don't have a default index pattern Under Index Patterns make fluentd.nginx.access.* the default.

If you need to create the index patterns yourself:

  1. Create index pattern with pattern fluentd.haproxy.http.*.
  2. Select @timestamp as the Time Filter field name.
  3. Check that the field host has type ip and geoip has type geo_point. If these types are incorrect it means the Elasticsearch index mapping wasn't created.
  4. Repeat for index pattern fluentd.nginx.access.*.

Updating logs

  1. Create a directory /uod/idr/versions/nginx-logs-combined/prodNN where prodNN is the release that is being archived
  2. Untar the nginx archive copied to /uod/idr/versions/prodNN under this directory
  3. Delete all error.log* as well as all access.log* files that are not in the required timerange, i.e. those from pre-release or post-release work.
  4. For convenience if you have any files that do not follow the access.log-YYYYMMDD.gz rename and gzip them.
  5. Aggregate all these logs into a single uncompressed file, zcat access.log*.gz > access.log-prodNN.
  6. Move access.log-prodNN to /uod/idr/versions/nginx-logs-combined/prod-merged-agg/
  7. Fluentd should automatically start to process this file


Although the log ingest process can handle individual access.log* files it will continually tail each file, so aggregating them massively reduces the number of open file handles.