ICANS application and project templates for basho's rebar.
mkdir -p ~/.icans/resources/ (or any other place you fancy)
cd ~/.icans/resources/
git clone git://github.com/ICANS/icans_rebar_templates.git
mkdir -p ~/.rebar/templates
cp -R ~/.icans/resources/icans_rebar_templates/* ~/.rebar/templates/
To create a project with multiple app: rebar create template=icans_proj projectid=yourproject author="you [email protected]" [appid=rootapp]
To create an application rebar create template=icans_app appid=appname author="you [email protected]"
To create a library application (no {mod, ...} in app.src) rebar create template=icans_lib appid=appname author="you [email protected]"
I don't know. Anyone?
We will release a small set of icans tools for erlang soon, which will among other things wrap rebar + icans_rebar_templates. You will be able to fill in the author parameter according to your git configuration, so you don't have to set it explicitly every time.