Releases: IBM/ansible-power-aix
power_aix v 2.0.3
- New module: sysdumpdev to manage system dump settings.
- New demo playbook for sysdumpdev module.
- New module: route (Manage routes on IBM AIX systems.)
- New module: snap (snap command to gather diagnostic data)
- New role: live_kernel_update
- New playbook: demo_aix_lku_role, demo_route, demo_snap.
- Fixed defects for DNF boostrap role.
- Enhancement in lvm_facts to include information from lslv command for logical volumes.
- Fixed sorting issue in flrtvc module.
- Updated NIM module to accept license.
- Critical fixes in tunable module to include -K option for live update flag in AIX 7.3
- Enhancement in NIM ADM role to support concurrent migration.
- Enhancement in tunables module to support -K flag
- Removed modify state from user module.
- Enhancement in NIM module to support new fileset installation.
- Defects: #580
- Defects: #582
- Enhancement in group module to support -R flag for LDAP
- Updated nim-flrtvc module in accordance with the flrtvc script
- Defects: #193
- Fixed idempotency issue in NIM module for allocation and deallocation.
Automation Hub v2.0.3
_Galaxy v2.0.3
_GitHub v2.0.3
.. _Automation Hub v2.0.3:
.. _Galaxy v2.0.3:
.. _GitHub v2.0.3:
power_aix v 1.9.2
- Minimum required ansible version is 2.15.0 now.
Automation Hub v1.9.2
_Galaxy v1.9.2
_GitHub v1.9.2
.. _Automation Hub v1.9.2:
.. _Galaxy v1.9.2:
.. _GitHub v1.9.2:
Ansible power_aix collection v 1.9.1
- Fixed documentation issue reported by Red Hat Automation Hub
Automation Hub v1.9.1
_Galaxy v1.9.1
_GitHub v1.9.1
.. _Automation Hub v1.9.1:
.. _Galaxy v1.9.1:
.. _GitHub v1.9.1:
Ansible power_aix collection v 1.9.0
Feature addition:
- New module: lku. (Live Kernel Update, PowerVC support)
- New module: password_rules_policies, allows the user to manage password rules and policies.
- New module: hdcrypt_facts, useful for displaying encryption/decryption related information.
- New module: hdcrypt_pks, which allows the user to add PKS authentication method and manage PKS keys.
- New playbook: install_all_updates
- New playbook: lvg
- New playbook: chsec
- New playbook: lku, hdcrypt_facts, hdcrypt_pks, password_rules_policies.
- Updated demo playbook for backing up rootvg.
- Enhancement: Local patch server can be used to download the fixes though FLRTVC module.
- Enhancement: Empty attributes are now allowed in filesystem module.
- Defect: Fixed parsing of emgr -l output for AIX 7.3.
- Defect: Fixed indexing error for int data type in filesystem module.
- Defect: Fixed linting issues for latest ansible-lint version.
- Defect: Fixed pylint issues according to latest requirements.
- Defect: Fixed incorrect check of inetd services.
- Defect: Fixed idempotency issue in filesystem module.
- Defect: Fixed idempotency issue in EMGR module.
- Defect: Fixed FLRTVC module in accordance with the new version of the script.
- Defect: Fixed boolean value error in chsec module.
- Defect: Updated chsec module to show custom error messages.
- Defect: Updated mkfilt module to show custom messages.
- Defect: Updated MPIO module - erroneous cases are now dealt with.
- Defect: Modified Mktun module to show proper messages.
- Made minor documentation changes in most of the modules.
Automation Hub v1.9.0
_Galaxy v1.9.0
_GitHub v1.9.0
.. _Automation Hub v1.9.0:
.. _Galaxy v1.9.0:
.. _GitHub v1.9.0:
Ansible power_aix collection v 1.7.0
Feature addition:
- New Role: NIM Master Migration.
- New module: Physical and Logical volume encryption.
- New demo playbook: NIM Master migration and PV/LV Encryption.
- NIM module enhanced to register new client.
- Included link to Power research program in the galaxy page.
- Fix for parsing lspv, lsvg header to get LV attribute indexes.
- Updated dnf bootstrap installer.
- Fix for minimum space issue to setup dnf/python.
- dnf setup is enhanced to support proxy servers.
- Fixed ansible-lint issue in demo_yum_install_DB.yml.
- Updated flrtvc link in nim_flrtvc module.
- emgr module is fixed and idempotent now.
- Fixed user module to support idempotency.
- alt_disk module has now support for install operations.
- Fixed utf-8 encoding issue in flrtvc module.
- Fixed inittab module to modify entry and is idempotent now.
- Fixed the logic of disk_size_policy in alt_disk module.
Automation Hub v1.7.0
_Galaxy v1.7.0
_GitHub v1.7.0
.. _Galaxy v1.7.0:
.. _GitHub v1.7.0:
IBM Power Systems AIX collection v1.6.1
New additions:
New module: Bosboot.
New Playbooks: mktun, mount,installp, user, mpio, mkfilt,
New Playbooks: bosboot, group, tunables, filesystem, nim_suma, logical_volume
New Playbooks: tunfile_mgmt, mktcpip, inittab
Enhanced idempotency for devices module.
Enhancement in nim_alt_disk_migration:
Target disk without PVID accepted
Divide Used PVs by number of PVs to overcome multiple PVs in rootvg
Allow install of AIX level lower than NIM master AIX level
Reduce debug info after checking client OS level
Add cache VG and Bundle to nimadm options
Re-order nimadm flags and "quote" disk variable to allow multiple PVs in rootvg
Correct {{ nim_client_v }} to {{ nim_client }}
Enhanced alt_disk module: allows to clean old_rootvg.
Improved parsing for emgr module output for ifix lists and details.
Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role
Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role to support DNF installation for AIX-7.1 and above.
Yum is not supported anymore from ansible as a result of sunset of python 2.
Fixed power_aix_bootstrap role to show failure in case it is unable to install DNF.
Deploying to gh-pages from @ IBM/ansible-power-aix@989041659f7b8ebd3e…
IBM Power Systems AIX collection v1.5.0
New role, nim_alt_disk_migration, for automating AIX migration (upgrades) using nimadm ( Network Install Manager Alternate Disk Migration) utility.
New module, nim_resource, to create, remove or display NIM resource objects such as lpp_source, spot, etc.
New enhanced nim module, with new option "show" to display NIM object information.
New module, tunables, for automating Kernel Tuning management of no, nfso, vmo, ioo, raso, and schedo.
New module, tunfile_mgnt, for automating Kernel Tuning using files with tuning parameter values: no, nfs, vmo, ioo, raso, and schedo.
Enhanced inventory for lpar_facts. Examples: facts for os level, inc_core_crypto, nxcrypto, processor type/implementation mode, and others.
Enhanced inventory for lpp_facts. Examples: facts for fixes (apar, SP, TL), version consistency (lppchk).
New module, chsec, for automating changes to attributes in the security stanza files.
Fix DNF bootstrap not to download the AIX Toolbox bundle if it exist in the controller.
Updates to sanity tests.
Community Contributors
IBM Power Systems AIX collection v1.4.1
Release Notes:
- Fix DNF bootstrap for AIX 7.3 in role power_aix_bootstrap role in supporting new AIX Linux toolbox changes.
- Fix DNF bootstrap in role power_aix_bootstrap to run with Ansible Tower.
- Fix devices module to support inet0 add/delete routes.
- Fix installp module idempotency issue to show changes in case of at least one successful operation.
- Fix flrtvc module messages if there are no interim fixes to install.
- Fix flrtvc module to prevent failures after downloading compressed file fixes; there are no interim fixes to install.
- Issue #184: Add missing file vioshc_dep_install.yml to the power_aix_vioshc role.
- Fix user module idempotency issue by comparing current values to requested changes before executing any actions.
New Contributors
Release Notes:
- Support for the new AIX 7.3 release.
- Updates to multiple modules and roles to ensure python2/python3 compatibility.
- Updates to the power_aix_bootstrap to install dnf on AIX 7.3.
- Updates to the flrtc and nim_flrtvc modules to work with the new AIX toolsbox
wget binary path: /opt/freeware/bin. - Multiple fixes to clean up ansible-lint and other sanity checks.
- Fix issue #168. power_aix_bootstrap inventory_host variable problem.
- Fix issue #157 for the module. Error while changing the state from mount to unmount while mounting/umounting for a NFSv4 filesytem.
- Fix issue #151 for Fail to create/modify user if attribute "gecos" contains spaces.